Folks, does it really matter in the grand scheme of things whose iron is pushing dirt? Seriously, there is a lot of line to push and it would seem to me that there are many more important matters to talk about than whether or not ENF or any other forest has a dozer attached to an incident, their jurisdiction or somebody else.
Let’s get back to things that matter, please
DPA is a line drawn on a map that identifies suppression responsibilities to an agency. It tries to logically (usually) identify closest resources to response location. The lands in California are a mish mash of federal and private land. It is reviewed periodically every few years to make sure it’s still relevant. Any city annexing land into the city limits, removes that land from SRA. SRA protects private lands in CA, since the state does own much land. The state and feds try to even the acres of land that they protect for each other.
Any piece of Iron in that country has their work cut out for them. It can be fairly steep and thick in timber stands or a mix of timber and brush. There’s a reason it called Slate Mtn.
There hasn’t been a significant fire in that area in a very long time. The terrain sucks and screams watch out situations. This fire is gaining speed today.
Nothing in over 100 yrs until you get further east and you hit '14 King and north is '22 Mosquito.
Must have hit a trigger point because a unit we had on the Park is being emergency reassignment to this incident.
I agree about the MAP being hit, lots of fixed wing support all of a sudden dropping on the east side of Mosquito RD
CalFire Team 5 assigned.
No surprise there, although it looks like they may be making some progress from decline in smoke.
Not sure what you’re looking at but all
The cameras I’m watching shows it’s moving……just sayin
After going back to the tile, wrong camera
Any word of any Equipment being ordered?
Dozers, Water tenders, excavators?
Team was just assigned. That automatically means over 100 resource orders.
Copy. Thanks
Anyone know the current size….?
1360 Acres according to the Cal Fire Website.
I believe the responsibility is due to the fire starting on blm land which cal fire holds the dpa for.
Team 5 was on the King in 2014