State ID:CA
3 letter designator:BDF
Fire name:EL DORADO
Location:37000 Oak Glen Road
Reported acres:75
Rate of spread:Rapid
Report on Conditions:Burning NE
Structure threat:Yes
Resources:BDU/BDF/City of Yucaipa
Weather: Excessive Heat Warning and Red Flag in effect
Radio channels:
Scanner link:
Webcam link:
Agency Website:^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author

Per AA, 300-400 acres

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Check you back door, We’re getting mild NE winds here in Arizona. Just a heads up


Tankers are going to HMT over BDU per AA. Tankers working left flank. Helios work right flank for structure defense.

No divert updated 4 Tankers for life safety.

Type VI S/T ordered immediate need for structure defense.

BDU and BDF in unified command. BDU is the UOP.

Mill Creek RAWS, 106 with 10%RH, WNW at 10 G17.

Priority is keeping it out of the homes in Oak Glen on the right flank.

9311C forming up at Sta. 20 Beaumont immediate need to the incident.

I missed the designator but MVU sending T3 ST

Fire has almost reached the top of Yucaipa Ridge per AA.

MVU ST 9331C

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Hard to tell if that’s convective lift from the mountains or if the fire is starting to get a serious Cap.

2 VLATS on order.

It is not too early to start talking about the Santa Ana wind scenario Tuesday Night and Wednesday. Gradients are projected to be around -6 to -7 which will support NE winds 20-30 MPH in this area with gusts to 45 MPH.


The cap as seen from Corona.


TFR 5 miles out to 10,000 AGL.

Keep an eye on the Angelus Oaks webcam: