Winds are picking up
What website did you get the wind speed from ?
heat signature is growing again
Sure looks like it wants to wear out the public & our responders a bit more today… CalTopo - Backcountry Mapping Evolved
sorry for the double down…
Just water? Retardent?
Been listening to the scanner - they’ve pulled all resources from Div TW out to Mineral to regroup. A lot of resources were at DP-24, which was impacted by the fire. They’ve got accountability for everyone in TU and TW.
The fire has moved about 2 miles up the Mill Creek Canyon on the north side of Mill Creek today.
The large spot on the south side of Mill Creek crossed about a mile of the L-Line on top of the ridge, burning toward NE. That Division will be tying in with HelCo to see if they can re-engage to pick up the slop over L-Line.
Thinking this action is west of DP-41.
That thing is Mahatma Gandhi, the resource orders might be flowing in soon as a lot of resources are timing out
Lots of type 1 getting cut loose tomorrow and crew swaps on Wednesday.
maybe we should have a gallery forum for screen grabs. i’m on the fire and having to load all these images sucks with our limited signal. don’t mean that to be mean.
Perspective of size of incident and referance of the current run. Components of the Dixie scar visible in proximity. Give or take 5 air miles
I appreciate the pictures, thank you!
Guessing but that seems to be a 7-10,000 ac run.