
Looks like this one has plenty of room to run, I may have missed it earlier but any significant fire history? Not that it matters much in the grass and brush

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Per scanner chatter, for eastern progression, fire is hung up in Sigler Lane area around Cohasset, but further North is has made it into Ishi Wilderness and is significantly NE of Cohasset up there.

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The fire history is little to non, at least in the last 25 years where the fire is currently. Talking to a cal fire battalion a little while ago the fire is long and skinny, basically running due north. Spotting in and out of the canyons, their hope is the wind doesn’t change to an uphill direction cause if it does this fire will grow rapidly being established in all the canyons that run east to west.


We get a strong, sustained downslope wind out of all of those drainages about 2am-3am. Expect a hard push into the valley anywhere on the left flank tonight.


Fire is backing into the chico creek drainage across from 10 mile trailhead. Down canyon winds are pushing the fire back towards the heel. This flank was checked up earlier with aircraft but is mostly unstaffed. There are only 5 engines spread thin that will attempt to hold the fire at upper park rd. They are repeatedly asking for any available resource to assist but there are none in staging. Scanner traffic reports roughly one hour before the fire impacts them around the area of bear hole.


I am extremely familiar with this area. If this flank goes unchecked it is going to spell trouble for the chico creek drainage tomorrow with the up canyon winds.

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What radio frequencies are being utilized?

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Intel 12 is currently over the fire


Looking ugly from Cohasset Pk…(0230)

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45,560 acres per radio traffic. New map should post soon.


As of 0308


Insane. Largest fire of the season in the state and the fact it was (allegedly) set intentionally is sickening.


Grouping of effected or soon to be effected cameras.
Morning July 25 tile set

Cross on northern cameras puts the head due east of los molinos in the foothills


The Ishi Wilderness means the fire is in the Mill Creek drainage…ugh!

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Im just gonna say it - that is a shocking acreage increase! T’s & P’s to responders & citizenry dealing with that insane run/fire! #covergencezonefires


Ishi Wilderness also includes Deer Creek. Not saying it won’t get to Mill (it almost certainly will and maybe has already) …

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Already getting active at 0615


Wow - good morning. Here’s extended freqs for Park.

CDF CMD2 is ordered, was running on BTU CMD
Air Tactics FM: 169.2875
Air/Ground: 159.345 t192.8 (CDF A/G 8)
Rotor Vic: 125.525

Tacs assigned: CDF Tac 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, VTAC13, VTAC14,


The 2008 Humboldt Fire began not far from the point of origen of this one- on old Humboldt Rd- under somewhat similar conditions if I remember correctly. I agree that it is sickening.