Thanks FIREWATER and IMT_Geek you are SOOOO right. Even the jackrabbits and squirrels carry canteens and shade. Lovely place, that.
Looks like there is AA, Lead, one S2, two LATs, and two VLATs working the fire per Flightradar 24, looks like they are trying to hit it hard.
Add two more LATs (132 and MAFFS2) coming down from Fresno and MCC
and we got burnt out at Taylor Meadow
That was a bad day.
Is there a reason this has not been put into an IA?
There is also an IA Thread with the same name. Every fire will have 2 threads. One for questions and discussion, the second will be an IA for accurate fire updates. This fire has both.
Looks like there are 3 VLATs working the fire now! It looks like they are keeping it in check at the moment, hopefully they will turn the corner on this one!
I call it Stalag 9
Geographically undesirable
That place where the newbs say please let the wind stop, only to find out that’s what kept the bugs away! Oh the place where you are fed scrambled dirt with eggs in it. Should have been a prison.
Photo at 1300 today for perspective. Taken from Caliente Bodfish Rd. near Sample St. at NW end of Walker Basin. Left side of photo includes burn scar from last year’s Stagecoach Incident near the point of initial ignition. Wish I had taken one from the same perspective yesterday for historical comparison.
Looks like it’s making its way through the retardant
Now I see another header to the east on Bealville2 cam. Looks like in Weaver creek or
Landers creek. Cast over Spot??
Hard to see the new header off Breckenridge. 15:20…
El rancho cam fixed on it
They sure pounded it with the tankers this morning and looks like it paid off.
Looks like they did deploy enough to knock the fire/smoke down. Good that those tankers are available.
The air campaign was something given the relatively small airspace. The ground forces did and are still doing their fair share of the effort. I don’t envy anyone in that country these past days. The whole team did really well.