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Little to early to be discussing that, I assume they do have a pre existing plan in place.
There are hundreds of homes burning and tons of civilian burn victims still ongoing. Lets leave the erosion control until everyone is safe and all the FF’s go home! Not the time for that conversation.
I concur with you on that.
You’re absolutely right when lives are at risk and firefighters are actively engaged in suppression efforts, the immediate focus must remain on saving lives, protecting structures, and ensuring firefighter safety. Conversations about post-fire recovery and erosion control are important, but they’re secondary to addressing the urgent, ongoing crisis.
Like it was stated save that conversation for when things are done and there is no heat on the ground, talking about something that isn’t even on anybody’s mind right now is just pointless.
You’re totally right. It’s all about saving lives and getting everyone home safe. Thanks for keeping the focus where it needs to be!
Where are they establishing fire camp?
Mods, for real? . Might be best to delete the whole thread at this point.
Have we lost our minds? Someone cant make a thread to discuss BAER? Nobody is forcing you to follow or read a BAER thread. Good grief.
Those comments were made before that question of fire camp location.
My goodness. Simply move on if the post doesn’t interest you. Nobody is forced to read or follow this. You have to click on the topis to get here lol. So much fire priority going on right now.
My thoughts exactly. Chill out! Ya”ll aint fighting fire behind screens here. It’s just a discussion online folks. And rehab to prevent deadly mud slides like in Montecito, CA is pretty important.
Mod Note
As mods, we try to keep active incidents clean of off topic things. This thread is a perfect example of what we will do to clean an active fire thread, especially when the is a lot going on. Please keep in mind, that at some point, BAER in this are will be a very big deal. Self control towards keeping things on topic really helps the mod team and this community as a whole.