My swag off Jackson cam, it’s over Black Mt and into Hawkeye ranch. Think the radio just confirmed. Jumped Healdsburg Geysers rd. Poor access until Hwy 128
SCSO Henry 1 estimated 5000 acres
IC calling it 10,000 Acres
Hey Chaparral, how do we know it was a structure fire, and not caused by power lines?
Power was turned off before the fire started
It’s odd then that all of the reporting on the event focuses on downed power lines… What else could have caused the fire in a high wind event, if not downed lines?
People using candles and other stuff because the power was turned out
It is way too early to speculate on cause. Also, it’s a bit ignorant.
During the last PSPS the Grass Valley area had multiple structure fires in one day caused by people getting “creative” with generators to have power… so this being a structure fire into the vegetation is more likely than you’re implying IMHO
Fake News as always.
Many possibilities on cause other than power lines, generators, candles, smoking, etc. Power has been off starting at 1400.
It was a structure into veg, reports from boots on the ground.
USFS AA51 night Air Attack already committed to BDF-Old Water as is night copter H-531.
This a CalFire wind event hired Air Attack, I believe based out of MCC.
Any news on resource orders?
Just requested 25 engines any type, closest resource, immediate need
AA6WA a CWN contract with Cal Fire based @ MCC
Good morning everyone. Long time reader, first time poster. I live in Sonoma County and I’m a journalist and Wikipedian who has been writing about wildfires since 2016. I’m also a wine journalist. If I can answer any logistical questions, let me know. I’m also using the same resources you are to collect data and a few other offline on the ground sources.
The Geysers is the world’s largest geothermal area – in fact the fire was reported at one of the power plants.
If you’re unfamiliar with Geysersville – it’s a tiny, historic town that relies on tourism as it’s base. It has tasting rooms, a few restaurants/bars, and is surrounded by palatial wineries and vineyards. For those who followed the 2017 North Bay Fires (Pocket, Tubbs, Nuns, etc) - vineyards played a crucial role as fire blocks.
This fire has also burned in the fire scar of the 2017 Pocket Fire.
Missed the Air Resourse order for the day. Any info?
Any OES orders?
ABC 7 Live Stream
I’m not super familiar with the terrain there, but it sounds like it’s not an alpha friendly area ( not that it hasn’t stop orders before). But I think we’ll learn more in the next couple hours after we see what it does/ what they are able to do with aircraft.