CA-MNF-August North Zone??

It’s on SRA near kettenpom

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I think more along the lines of Covelo, Willits, Potter Valley areas


The Oak is out and the resources have been transitioned. In IROC the name of the CDF incident is August Complex West Zone
CalFire Team 5 is at Ukiah fairgrounds
CalFire Team 3 is at a camp referred to as Eel River which is in Redway
A spike camp is established in Covelo


Depending on which zone of the august, if in the north or south, Mendocino, Shasta Trinity, & Six Rivers national forests all have Facebook pages & are doing live stream events usually about 7pm. But can be watched whenever.

Sounds like the Ruth Valley could see problems today …

Heightened awareness for Ruth is smart, and IR has some scattered heat on that western side up and over Southfork, but so far things are tight and holding. The more concern I have is hotter areas with more aligned winds down near Forest Glen, fresh from yesterday’s firing ops. That would be problematic for the Ruth Valley and negate all that strong work from last week.

There is a 3-5 acre slop over around DP-145 (Div Q) but it is well interior of their bigger box. And ASM module was ordered to Div Q earlier this morning to prep for tanker ops. Wildland28 (Colorado’s MMA PC-12) has been all over the North Zone this morning providing high level intel.

Div M setting up for firing ops with favorable winds. (map in the Aug Complex thread)

(edited after getting clarity on the 3-5 acre slop location, and GOES heat is firing op)


Went old school and pulled an Topo map of the area. Been going to Ruth lake for years. And worked in this area back in the 70’s . Some pretty up and down country . Low access areas to be sure. It gets into one of those creak drainage’s it could make a run. It has to get over Horse ridge off Picketts peak to do it? A short run to the Mad River drainage as the crow flies if the embers get airborne . Ruth is one of those places with limited serviceable roads to get in and out with. A main road and some old Forest service road that didn’t used to be maintained. Nothing you would try in the family truckster Wasn’t there a good sized fire in there back in 2015-ish. Would it be any defense?

Looks like something is getting a start . This was not here an hour or so ago . this is looking southwestrly over the top of hayfork centered on the east end of Ruth Lake.


Sorry - bouncing between August and August North threads. I’ll try to keep updates separate but sorta busy here. Keep an eye on the regular August Thread as well for intel that might overlap the North Zone.

With that, fire is starting to spot over the dozer line outside Forest Glen, where my concern was earlier, in the area of Double Cabin Flat. Column is leaning right over the DP116 Pickett Peak. See the August thread for pictures I took from Pickett in Mid August. Resources are taking a defensive stance and will try to catch it, but heads up for Div E and Ruth Lake.


Sure appreciate your timely updates and the effort you put in.


1440: Helco reporting fire well established on the north side of Hwy 36 running up hill, just east of Forest Glen, and heading west into Forest Glen. Helco quote “we need to get everyone out of Forest Glen”

Winds in that area are more easterly than northern.
IRAWS 23 Grouse Praire is just NW above Forest Glen, showing ridgetop conditions.

Hayfork Camera has this.


gray lines confirm Easterly


Help me out here
What is the Duckett camera looking at?

The Zogg fire in SHU

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It’s got some heat in it.
Go get em SHU

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Sounds like fire is starting to impact structures around Ruth Lake


Thanks @Suptwife for the great video update. He said everything I was about to say :wink:.

Quick summary from vid and my intel - fire on both east and west sides of Ruth Lake from this afternoon’s line blowout near Forest Glen and Hwy36. Hettenshaw camp had to bail fast and road north sounded like it was compromised and some had to make it down through Zenia. Yikes.

Zogg Fire - current conditions puts this fire at R Ranch sometime between midnight and 2am.


Still cranking ~ One hour loop on Hayfork cam

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North Command is scarily quiet this morning. I do have Zogg Cmd on a higher priority, but plenty of space to hear North Zone. Everyone scattered to the wind last night with the camp evacs, Hettenshaw to where? R Ranch overhead to Redding and firefighters to Hayfork.

According to MODIS/VIIRS and GOES, fire is in the west fork of the Van Duzen, and skirting the 2015 scars. I was ready to be done with this one. :unamused: I had to steer my live scanner over to the Zogg yesterday since nobody else was streaming the proper command net freqs. It’s still there, but North Complex CMD is on priority right behind Zogg CMD and Zogg A/G.


1630: Two large columns popped about 30 ago viewable from Red Bluff. A finger off Branch 31 DIV K has taken off and ran right over Dubakella Mtn and is at Hwy 36 just east of Hwy 3 (turn off to Hayfork). I believe that spread is terrain and fuel driven against the wind. The second column was more fuel burning around community of Ruth, and possibly firing ops to protect the Hettenshaw Spike camp. Could just about see a third column for the West Zone inside dog leg they lost over the weekend. It’s also burning west along Hwy 36 up the east slope of Southfork Ridge from Forest Glen, in the South Fork Trinity drainage…

(edit - I was wrong thankfully on Dubakella)