For in the Mojave National Preserve, near Cima.
AA and 2 takes assigned along with BLM and NP resources.
H-525 has been committed, and likely so has H-554, responding from the earlier BDF incident
The York was dispatched @ 12:09
DIV 7103 DIV 7104 E7372 E7378 E7660 E7662
35.1919, -115.3174
Lots of grass out there this year.
That area hasn’t burned in quite a few years. Fun fires out there worked there for a lot of years.
I know it looks like desert land but anything extended attack?
The New Yorks have some challenging terrain, higher altitudes and some timber
Pretty country
They have had extended attack fires there before.
Desert fires tend to go out when the sun goes down, but with this years grass crop, and the limited resources these incidents get, it could go. The pictures I’ve seen of the column are impressive but I have not seen anything close enough to tell fire behavior.
Per inci 1000 acres
Yes, there is a lot of PJ and sage in that country and we have had multiple teams deployed to fires out there.
hunted that area over 50 years, Has grass to tress and everything in between…not to leave out high temperatures and wind and also the New York’s have rugged mountains (hunting Chucker is only for the young or able in those hills). also fires out there tend to run long and hard. Stay well hydrated out there
I recall a fire that did 200K out there, took out most of the preserve, New Yorks and Providence Mountains.
burns every year; both large and small…but always comes back. great bird hunting and also desert mulies.
The air attack went for fuel. The lead plane was sent home shortly after arriving at the incident probably an hour ago.
H525 and AA51 are currently the only aircraft on the fire.
NPS in the let it burn mode, reduce the evil grass crop, kill the Joshua Bushes and blame climate change.
Tanker 107 is arriving at scene shortly and I believe Tanker 162 is also assigned, both pulled from R-6
Tanker 107 arrived at scene, but I do not believe they dropped… not sure why?
Tanker 162 also turned towards San Berdo at the same time.
Fire is reported at 2580 acres.