Current weather:
81 degrees, 10% rh, winds 19mph SSW with gusts to 32mph
Current weather:
81 degrees, 10% rh, winds 19mph SSW with gusts to 32mph
Risk assessment shows:
126 acres an hour, 64 chains an hour, fire behavior index is Very High, and flame lengths are 7 feet. It’ll run out of fuel by the time it gets to Ocotillo Wells proper.
possibly for Windmill Inc.???
Thanks to you all for the wonderful information you share. My question is this. Yesterday, and last night, winds looked to be pushing this westerly. Now, the wind appears to be from WNW. Wouldn’t that blow the fire back on itself? Thanks, again.
Having worked that area specifically for 6 years between 2008 thru 2014, and been on and witnessed similar fire behavior in the exact same area in 2013. The winds are compressed coming over the top of the mountains and funneled through the numerous canyons into Butterfield valley, which is basically a bowel with a tiny drainage/funnel on the eastern edge. You got an eddy affect in the valley causes winds to push up slope in all directions especially the drainages. The last fire in 13’ did the same thing. We were able to hold the last fire to S1 and ridgelines in the Mt Laguna area, and fortunately a mile or so east vegetation thins out to nothing.
Somebody was on the chariot fire…
I was there as it ran up to Sunrise highway and over…