CA-PNF-North Complex

We used to warn Silviculturalists what a risky investment reforestation can be in this part of the world.

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Your favorite fuel type Pyrogeo :grinning:


SPI is losing a lot of their Feather Falls Tract today.


Looking North from Hwy 20 area

Drove from Chico up to GV this afternoon. Had to use my headlights… Eerie

From Chester at 6pm. The column built and layed over every couple hours today.


AA has been over for a while, not sure what radio traffic he’s been pushing, Firewatch 509 also overhead now. Hopefully we can get some forward progression intel on this. T90, 91 and Scoopers 260, 263 mobed to Chico this evening. PGE looking at putting upwards of 60 rotor in the air close to sunrise tomorrow for PSPS energization efforts.


From Willows.



2pm MODIS/VIIRS had this at a 16mile run to the SW, to the county line. GOES17 fire sensors, as well as ground truth intel has flame front encroaching Feather Falls, making it a 24 mile run as of 1945. Local wind south of Lake Oroville fighting the offshore flow and wanting to get sucked back 180 into the fire.

Bloomer cam should have eyes on it soon if it isn’t smoked out. Sunset Hills cam is also in the eventual path of this thing.


Currently on this fire and the Bear did make a run towards Oroville through Middle fork. We just got off the line and last communication we hard was the run was made from a few spot fires that very quick ate through 15 miles of the Middle Fork.


This should be, if not already into the SRA, where more threat to life and property exists. I wonder if this will go unified shortly, oh wait what TEAM???:face_with_monocle:

CALFIRE Team 4 has been there for awhile from the lightning event. if still engaged, one would assume they would handle.

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Tone out of BTU for some resources

Team 4 took full control last Thursday at 1600

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So just to clarify, CF TEAM 4 is running the PNF COMPLEX?

NorCal team 4 has the PNF fire, CF team 4 has the BTU/TGU complex.

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CF Team 4 will assume some level of engagement tomorrow morning. Unsure if its Full, Unified or some type of Command

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Hi all. CIIMT4 - Jay Kurth (Federal Type 1 IMT) is currently managing the North Complex. If you would like to see the members that make up this team, click link and scroll down to page 3.

Thank you.

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Hearing reports of multiple spot fires in BTU. Sounds like they are sending resources. Couldn’t catch the exact location. But sounds like Oroville is running the incidents. Somewhere off Baldrock/ Zinc road??? Hearing broken radio traffic of mountain house as a location as well. Anyone have any info?

These are part of the North Complex extension. Butte resource were toned out for the Contingency Branch of the Complex