New start, just south of the lake.
Access is from the Calaveras Cement Plant
Getting multiple spots. Requesting five additional engines.
4000 Block of Wonderland Blvd, Redding. 3 -5 acres, moderate rate of spread in timber and brush, IC requested 5 additional engines and AA has ordered 2 tankers.
Great audio here
Aircraft assigned: AA240, AA112, T93, T94, T95, T96, HT-6HT, H102
Large resource order placed. 2 Charlie, 4 dozers, 4 crews, 2 overhead.
Looks like it just shifted gears
Definitely picked up in intensity
Looks like its got a head of steam on it.
3 LAT’s and 1 VLAT now on order
17:19 - Filled with T40, T103, T210
So if this is running to the N-NW from the 14000 block of Wonderland Blvd, isn’t it mostly boxed in by the lake and I-5? Directly north looks like there is some infrastructure there. I’m getting the N-NW direction from Watch Duty.
Affirmative. Moving away from improvements accept for bridge bay resort . NE shoulder
After the slope run, that notch that i-5 runs through is known for doing weird things… IE, after dark when the diurnals settle all the way down from the Burney basin through the pit river and eventually pour through the notch into the Sacramento valley
Check out Ventusky at 8PM.
—-Why do ??? marks keep being put at the end of the incident name? It’s not a question. It’s a fact.—-
Because this is the Questions and Discussions board.
This would be a discussion then, and not a question. Right?
I’m not trying to argue. It just doesn’t make sense.
Please direct your attention here Posting - General Discussion - Wildfire Intel for a detailed explanation. It helps the viewers differentiate threads from an IA, Q&D, and Continuing. Now, let’s all carry on. Thank you.