Hearing traffic from Aero AA 440 to 4462 Copper area 30 plus acres with spotting 1/4 mile ahead.
Its 30 acres an spotting, good wind on it. its oak woodland, grass and headed to some brush fields.
Will impact HWY 4 if they dont stop it. Lot of structure dotted in that area. TCU just pulled a second alarm for B engines. We have a history of fires in this area.
I have wind gusting to 25 at my house on the ridge above Sonora.
Not hearing all of the traffic I’m driving and having to pull over just punched out Standard Twain Harte and Blanchard as additional engines
Unit just toned out 5 additional TCU engines, and 3 crews. C4400 already talking about possibilities of going extended.
They just punched those engines out to the fire. 4400 advising put a resource order in if needed with all the fire activity going on.
150 cres RROS still paralleling HWY 4. Per AA
Column is looking impressive from valley springs. IC just ordered immediate need 5 engines any type, 2 Charlie s/t, 1 dozer, 2 crews.
Resouces request 5 additional engines any type, two Charlie another dozer for a total of four.
Additional this will be off Rock Creek Rd closest cross will be Hunt Rd. That would be Northwest of Hwy 4
and Obyren’s Ferry rd
Wind is gusting to 30 in the area.
It has been getting stronger as the day goes on.
IC says 250 acres, RROS going to reach HWY 4 in 15 min
Looking at tree mortality maps (extensive tree mortality in the area from past drought) and fire history in area, looks to be well NW of the 2013 Rim Fire. Has 4 more hours of sunlight on it and longest days of the year are ahead for peak heating hours. Anyone familiar with this terrain have better insight into overnight RH recovery and downslope winds?
Little RH recovery and minor downslope influence its a thermal belt. Now shutting down 4 from Poole Station to Town Square. Sounds like they’re going to try and burn 4 to hold the fire
10 additional dozers requested
Red flag warning just to the west.
They are talking about firing Hwy 4 to try a check the head of the fire. Going to be a challenge with these wind conditions. Asking for ten additional dozer.
FIRIS has it at 327 acres
Closing Highway 4 between Copperopolis Town Square and Pool Station Rd.