13 years of running the fellas and printed data gives me the ability to say the following.
My guys dressed in Orange nomex,wearing knock off boots, and packing as much if not more than you…should be addressed as mr.xyz, fellas or firefighter.
Not con, convict,con crew or the like
Factual data
Calfire crews are NOT type 1 anywhere other than California. It is our own (Dept)terminology
-cannot be broken into squads, hang on…
( My guys are great at it, but by policy, we cannot do it)
-do not have the qualified supervision
( Asst supt, squadies,senior ff)
-do not have 8 radios
-do not have 4 B cutters(type 2) or better
Bautista,LNU Drills,Coast drill, Ishi,. These are not typing. They are preparedness exercises (tests) to test if crews and supervisors are prepared fir the upcoming season. There is no lower "typing " to leave these exercises. Options are pass,fail. Fail, come back retest. There now your ready!
Calfire crews are labeled/called etc type 1 because that is what as an agency calls them.
Nwcg typing is not a take or leave when convenient.
Lastly, those folks in orange ARE the physical backbone of the department. And over the years I have seen repeated accomplishments from rescue, to supression,to academics to just being a human, that have made me pretty proud and impressed.