I’ve been hearing plenty of calls and emails going around for funding that approved an emergency hiring for Cal Fire today.
4-0? Staffing? Anymore details?
My guess would be 4-0, but I am not 100% positive. The hiring coordinator I spoke with said that it was “emergency funding that was approved”.
4-0 staffing on 1/3 of the engines by 8/5.
Anything else on this emgergency funding besides 4-0? Is this statewide? Or just CNR OR CSR?
This is news to me here in the south. All we are hearing is about the 81 perm FF2 jobs that calls will go out starting 8/5 for the 13 new engines
My son is getting calls from multiple units for FF1. Only from the north region though.
Yes. The North got approved for 4-0 calls and emails have been going out for hiring.
All the engines or just the single engine houses? All North Ops units?
State wide… up to the units what stations get the 4-0 staffing, but it’s 1/3 of the fleet.
Gavin Newsom adds hundreds more firefighters
California will hire 393 more firefighters in anticipation of an upcoming wildfire season…
State wide at the single engine houses-
Calls are going out for the 4th body on the engine (out stations only) or single engine houses just like how it was for the “drought funding” last year. Our unit should be getting 24 new hires starting Monday . Sounds like not many people are answering either.
It IS August!
Any more information on what units north or south are getting the new FF1’s?
MMU is hiring 19 and bringing them on Monday Aug 12
AEU, SKU, and LNU are starting their seasonals on the 12th.
My buddy received three calls so far and he accept mmu offer