CALFIRE proposed MOU changes

Which is why we should leave CPF. Take the money and hire a real bargaining team. A third party team that won’t put themselves above the rest of us.


The Post Hire 2013 retirement formula folks are all progressively now becoming captains and chiefs. I Was hired late 2014. I was naïve and didn’t even care or understand what that formula meant. But I sure was made aware of it by perm folks that were in my classification or that I worked with. It settled in very fast. Yes, def still better retirement than my Fed years… sorta… if you compare work to life ratios of green vs red and put into TSP, but anyways. Glad I put max into TSP for 15 years. That’s my difference. But it sure is nice having a more “level” playing field at the dinner table with coworkers talking about retirement. 8 years ago it was “wow that sucks for you man” now it’s, “ya, that sucks” or cricket cricket. lol. Having multiple chiefs and COs at varied retirement rates has sure compounded the issues with retention and pay. Go somewhere else, make more money and plan better. Or stay, make less, work longer for less. I honestly think it’s the number 1 most talked about issue after you get perm. Cheers


Just doesn’t make any sense. I’ll just wait and hope it is my interpretation that laid out in a earlier post. Haha

Please remember this is a public site, and although this is a heated topic, and rightly so, I’m guessing some of you are CF personnel, so please use good judgement for yourself and subsequently your career when making commentary. I’m hoping you’re getting what I’m putting down. Carry on, I just don’t don’t want to see someone make a comment they regret and get in hot water, on top of this bargaining issue. Only saying this out of concern for my fellow FF’s.


Well said sir!


Time for vote of no confidence for Edwards. Stop wasting our money using union guys for negotiations and hire someone who is experienced and makes a living negotiating. I believe CHP does. This union would eat their own for their personal gain. Time to leave the union


Union does have labor attorney that does bargaining. CAHP does not, they are all in house staff


It is the plan that FC-A’s running FF hand crews will receive the 10% pay increase as an incintive to get captains to run crews. It’s sitting in HR the last I heard.

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CAHP isn’t general fund and is the first and last state BU to have pay parity. You’ll spin your wheels trying to compare the two.


CHP uses an outside people for bargaining. 2881 had CAHP President and there lead negotiator on a podcast.


It depends on the way the LG is set up, charter or general law. If their system is not PERS or Counties of '37 Act, they can do 3, 4 or 5@50 or whatever they want. They’re not restricted by PEPRA.


And to think I got 6 months in the Wildland penalty box for calling out an agency for blowing an initial attack which turned into a major incident and destroyed a bunch of homes, and the land( btw they admitted to it as well).

Any of you thought this might not be the best place to have this conversation?


If you have 3% at 50 you still have it , it’s for the new hires after a certain date even if you change bargaining units you still keep it as long your a state employee.

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All of you who work for the state deserve better wages and working conditions. I see several blaming CPF. I don’t see it being a CPF problem as much as it is your local. The rest of us are
CPF members and we are getting good contracts.


Not blaming CPF or IAFF, we just know they don’t have our backs, and a lot of people wonder why we pump so much money into them.


Doing some basic math. Going from a 12 day in 28 day work period to 11 days in a 28 day work period is approx 50% reduction in EDWC. Staying with the thought process that “switching to a 56 while no reduction in compensation” and applying that to the proposed 66hr work week. A person’s OT hourly rate goes up by approx 40%.

  1. Now ask yourself how many Sch A contracts/Amador can afford that or even the current 72hr work week but are staffed at 2/0?
  2. How many more positions get created by just bringing the EXISTING 2/0 contracts up to 3.11?
  3. How many people are willing to change PCA when the contracts go away?
  4. How many are willing to change dept when said Sch A/Amador contracts go away? Who remembers what happened when TLC broke away from TUU and the hiring freeze that happened?
  5. Remember, the director is on record supporting a 56hr duty week. The dept is approx 20-30% short staffed(02350 not Sch A)
    Continue the THOUGHTFUL discussion.

All good questions. I’ll bet more than one Schedule A contract is threatened due to this (if is approved). Then also think about the formula for 1 full time 24/7 position of 3.5 increasing to 3. whatever. If staffing levels on apparatus stays as it is now more new hires must occur.


EXACTLY my point! This will take time. Look at the total number of NEW positions in the current budget that require COA. It’s over 600. Now add on top of that how many ADDITIONAL new positions would be created with a 66hr, let alone a 55hr WP.
The dept would need 2 additional full time academy facilities in addition to the existing 2. Thunk about the logistics to add that kind of capacity. All of this will take time. Is this perfect, NO. Does this start the process and get the dept from 12 days a WP to 11 days a WP, YES. But only if there is no loss in compensation. The devil will be in the details.


Note to the proviso about funding for the 66 hr work week. If the money isn’t available in the General Fund that clause can be revoked. My one question is; “When has the state ever been practical in its negotiations with the Cal Fire L-2881?”


To add to that, over 60% of general revenue is from 1-time sources. How do you budget for something like that?