CALFIRE proposed MOU changes

A lot of departments still have the lifetime medical with the 48/96. Believe it or not a few still have 3@50 for new members.


There are more LG dept’s that still have lifetime medical. Probably more than you realize. Plus, they are 48/96, no staffing patterns, SOLID benefits, and strong Union. Plus, most of these department’s are still hiring!!


What departments offer lifetime medical? I don’t know of any. Also pretty sure the only way a “new hire” can get 3@50 is if they already were/are in CalPERS as such. Otherwise “new hires” are subject to PEPRA.


You need us old guys to stick around; experience, knowledge, qualifications, etc.
You need the newer guys to stay around to continue the agency.
Who is going to take over what we do? I’ll wait…

Guys with a couple years in leave for other agencies, that’s fine, they are chasing a perm job.
Guys with 20 years in leave to be a boot FF, that’s a issue. My new firefighters aren’t managing stations and programs, they aren’t administrating contracts, they aren’t fulfilling critical overhead positions. They aren’t managing massive hired equipment contracts to preserve the state like EHOSS and others. They aren’t answering the phone when LACO, OCFA, VNC, ETC calls. They aren’t the ones being pipelined for the teams. However we depend on the newer ones so we can get them ready down the line. Our agency overwhelming relies on the succession plan.

I’ll enjoy my longevity pay bump, it will help from my days of ½ time fsla, the nickel, nira. If you will be happier at another agency, by all means go. I’ll say that to any employee.


Cool thought but where are you gonna go if you didn’t get the longevity increase? I’ll wait…

And without those boot firefighters what stations and programs are we gonna manage?

I say we because I’m in the same club you are but we need to ensure the future of the agency.


It’s sanctimonious of the Gov. to have billions of dollars this last year in reserves, as revenue was way up, yet spend it on everything else but State Employees and/or Union contracts. All Newsom wants is to look good so he can go run for President in 2024. Make him work hard for your acceptance of any deal. You can make all of these leverage spots work for you. Imagine Newsom, a candidate for President in 2024 who doesn’t have the CalFire endorsement. It’s not good when you don’t have the States Largest Fire Department, and his State Employees supporting him. Be the loud squeaky wheel. Don’t fold at the 1st offer. Hold out until you get much more.


He doesn’t care about CalFire endorsement, it’s CPF and IAFF which he will have locked up.


I’m thinking Fyrgurl’s assessment of the 66 hour week might be spot on.

Take a minute to read the LAO report here.

[Unit 8 (Firefighters) MOU Analysis]

Part of the report reads:

Including Significant Policy Changes in the Out-Years Is Atypical. Typically, MOUs do not contain significant policy changes without the details of how those changes would be implemented. Moreover, to our recollection, we have not reviewed an MOU with such a significant policy change occurring after the agreement expires. Under the budget agreement adopted in June, the administration’s multiyear estimates beyond the budget window reflect a negative balance in the Special Fund for Economic Uncertainties, the state’s main operating account. Consequently, under these estimates, the budget likely would not have the capacity to absorb this policy change without reductions to other expenditures. Given the heightened economic uncertainty at this time, this provision of the agreement is particularly risky.”

To me, it seems there is a very good chance that the state will be able to invoke the escape clause to avoid the 66 hour transition-let alone a 56.

Just like someone else here said, it seems to me like the 66 is an empty promise that’s in there for political reasons and has little chance of actually being implemented.

To me, it’s the same thing as the Mass Transit provision. Others have commented here that it’s a joke and the LAO Report confirms it.

The LAO Report says “The administration’s fiscal estimates indicate that no Unit 8 members use this benefit.”

Will someone please explain to me why our union would even have this included? What a waste of ink.

I heard that CalHR wasn’t supposed to release the agreement until Monday, so L2881 is scrambling right now.

Regardless of the circumstances, the cat is out of the bag at this point and L2881’s silence is deafening.


I wasn’t going to go anywhere, I’m one of those idiots that will sacrifice for the mission😂. My point is, we can’t write off the old dudes, or the young dudes.


I agree my friend. I’m just willing to take one for the team on this one to keep some young guys.


Ca had a $97.5 billion dollar budget surplus this year. As far as Newsom and an endorsement, a politician always cares about endorsements, especially when running for President. It matters, trust me. IMO our Union has been way to quick to endorse and give the Democrats that endorsement from 2881. Use everything at our disposal to gain this MOU.


The mass transit provision is in the language because of politics. Newsom and the Democrats are pushing mass transit, electric cars, and the green dream. Just yesterday he announced no more gas powered vehicles after 2035. We know that alternative energy, wind, solar, etc. will fail. But, they want to keep this facade up so putting it into state union contracts is just another red herring that they can point to to say look at us!


The L2881 sold you all out when they stood with IAFF for Biden 100% in 2020. That’s why I went Fair Share member back in 2000. Don’t give up what you have earned and gained the past 20 years.

Remember this new union deal is good for the employer only and the L2881
leadership will then endorse Governor Newsom for president in 2024. They’re only concerned about their future.

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When did L2881 endorse Biden?

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Number 9 kills me.

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Sorry not L2881, but IAFF with your L2881 leaders before 2020 elections.



You don’t take the bus to work?

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Wonder who paid for them to be here??


Having a hard time finding one that participates in the I-5 High Five program😂.

Newsom doesn’t care about a 2881 endorsement, on the national level it’s IAFF. They will spout how awesome he’s been for fire fighters.
On the state level, it’s CPF, which will spout how awesome he’s been for fire fighters.
2881 didn’t support Newsom in the recall, but that didn’t matter because IAFF and CPF were there.
CPF and IAFF will never show true solidarity with 2881 which is why we will never really matter in the grand scheme of things.


We all did! What else do you think they are doing with the 10+ million we give 2881 a year?