Emerging Technology

@ghost7 did you send me a PM yesterday? I could have swore I saw it, meant to reply on my computer vs phone but dont see it anymore. I think I may have fat finger deleted it. I tried to PM you back but says your not accepting messages.

Uh, no. I didn’t send any PMs. I just now found the checkbox for receiving PMs, so, maybe I should be receiving them now.

You shouldn’t be getting any server traffic from anything having to do with that project. There are no live TAK server addresses in that project, and all API is lifted directly from the FreeTAK docs. I should make it clear again that if anyone wants to try any of the things discussed in it, spin up your own sandboxed server.

Ah I figured it out! you replied to a post I made in the TAK Information thread.

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No single solution can extinguish this threat. Only a combination of efforts and multifaceted technologies, including AI-driven tools, can get humanity in front of the inferno.

We Need Multifaceted Tech Now to Curb Extreme Wildfires (informationweek.com)

Just as soon as we receive a request from the IMT for corporate tax lawyers and salespeople to help herd humanity into the path of the inferno, we’ll let you know, Senior Director Andersson. LOL

Howdy tech nerds.

Had a friend create a KML network link for the CAL-FIRE INTEL aircraft. This comes off their public feature service that is a mix of FIRIS and NIFC perimeters. So this isolates it (we have had a FIRIS kml link for awhile). I reached out to learn a little more about their processing times and will share that out when I hear back.

Here is the link, this service runs every 5 mins and currently for R&D on a google drive. Put this in google earth or cal topo, ATAK, iTAK etc https://tinyurl.com/calfireairintel

This autodownloads the KML.

If you want to use it in ATAK you can make the KML network link your self or download and import from maps.takserver.us its in the data incident mapping/data/streaming data/cal fire air intel


Found out iTAK does not allow a network kml without .kml in URL. So this was an R&D effort we will have an iTAK compatible version probably next week.


I did find out that Cal Fire Intel aircraft does process and push while airborne but for now relying in cell but should have satcomms very soon. So the time lag is all dependent on cell coverage etc.


Any word if they’re planning on Starlink or another provider?

Starlink is the planned provider.

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A little crossposting here from the TAK thread.


If you would have told me 31 years ago that one day I would be waking up early to get to an FTP website (whats that?) over the internet (come again?) to download digital wildfire maps (digital you say?) to send out data packages (like in the mail?) to firefighters so they could download them (huh?) on their smart phone (smart?) I would have said you are crazy…yet here I am…loving every second of it…


@ajohansson and with all this technology (and yes I use it) I still have my paper maps and crayons in my truck LOL.


Several linux-on-android things on Google Play can do what the FIFI (ed:Hypha) dude from Sydney was talking about. Andronix may be user friendly. Termux gets you Red Hat/Fedora, as Termux works just like any shell, so you can push and pull any content with an IP. TAK server on a hub device. Every new device w/ byob server plugins is another ordinary typical peer. I dunno, shot in the dark, 1 gig resident, maybe a 10% cpu hit on a 2022 Samsung 10".

@Crewcap we will never stop printing maps…PACE for everything…


@ghost7 in english…please…who is FIFI from Syndey lol

Yeah you could but I think Ditto is probably the answer for peer to peer down the road.

Cell from space will changes it all in a few years.


@ghost7 check this out…no need for a tak server on your device…but if you really want a portable I would just bring a raspi.

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Graham Tait at 1:05.

Well, yeah. Changes it all is strong language, TCP/IP is tiny, runs on everything and is largely hardware independent.

Oh the Hypha folks…i got a funny story about that…offline story…

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@ajohansson Is there a TAK plugin that records all gps and ads-b in a linear way over time? As in, a timelog? How useful would it be to run a timeline back and forth like a tape with pause, fast forward and rewind? Most of the devices capture this in various ways, servers are ways of pulling things together and redistributing without a lot of distracting user input, or, in many scenarios, having to write python. :sunglasses:

TAK-Server does do a track-log. You can actually querry tracks of other users. Where as jim-bob been over the last 4 hours? TAK Server will download those tracks to your device.

As far as an instant replay yes VK Systems has a slick tool for that.

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