New Defensible Space Requirements

On and after July 1, 2021 when you sell property that is located in a high or very high fire hazard severity zone, you’ll need documentation of a compliant Defensible Space Inspection. Please use our defensible space inspection request form to schedule an inspection. CAL FIRE

It seems like they will need an army of inspectors for “schedule inspections” to meet these requirements?


DSI Inspectors were part of the BCP. Both year round and seasonal employment. As a fall back, engine companies will continue to perform LE-100 inspections.

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I recently got a inquiry for fuels work from a homeowner in Yucaipa City who got a visit from a CF LEO for her property sale, the 2 parts that I questioned was why in LRA(city) and why use a LEO Prevention officer. Kinda get the impression that its a work in progress, homeowner ended up paying 4700$ for a landscaper to site clear prior to closing escrow

I work in Yucaipa and the property owner probaly lives on the outer edges of Yucaipa, which is all high fire hazard designated, due to the proximity to the urban interface…just reference the Apple and El Dorado fires. Using Prevention is most likely for enforcement, a DSI is only an inspector and can’t enforce the regulations.


Shouldnt it be inspection then enforcement? That map is gonna be interesting when people start loosing property insurance in the LRA Cities.

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I have looked for this new requirement and cannot locate. Can you provide a link to info please?

I want to post to FB.

California Assembly Bill 38 is the bill that enacted the requirement.


Assembly Bill 38 is the reason, and it doesn’t designate SRA, LRA. Here is the excerpt from the law:
On or after July 1, 2021, the bill would require a seller of real property located in a high or very high fire hazard severity zone to provide specified documentation to the buyer that the real property is in compliance with the wildfire protection measures described above or a local vegetation management ordinance, or enter into an agreement with the buyer pursuant to which the buyer will obtain documentation of compliance, as provided.

As for the CAL FIRE LEO handling the inspection, he is in charge of the Defensible Space Inspection program in BDU and is getting the inspections handled until the new position is filled as to not hold up the sale of someone’s house.


To add to this, local incorporated jurisdictions must have adopted prc4291 OR draft its own local language for calfire to be able to enforce it within city limits when calfire is the local contracted fire protection. Several cities have done such to alleviate drafting their own language.
At least that was the practice when I was still employed.

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Yucaipa is a contract City to Cal Fire. Cal Fire San Bernardino only has L.E Officers to do this type of work, atleast when I was working in the Ranger Unit.

I don’t think we have any DSI right now, if we do there are only a couple of them for the whole unit.

Also, to add on to the earlier reply about Yucaipa, we received an email from the Prevetion office that if someone contacts us regarding a home sale and needing an inspection, to contact them to get it done as fast as possible, so as was stated to not hold up the sale.


That mapping is pretty stunning when you get into the desert, most of the City of Palm Springs west of Palm Canyon(edit, Belardo), all of Travertine Point in Desert Shores.

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I was told that the inspections may be made by a private company. I was told that the states written language was very vague.

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Pretty sure if it has anything to do with SRA land, no private company will be doing the jnspection.

The city of Yucaipa contracts out to CAL FIRE for all their services, so even if it’s LRA it’s still going to be CAL FIRE handling it.
Also was it someone from the unit or was it from OSFM Land Use Planning office, the people assigned to Land Use are very familiar with what’s needed for those particular inspections as they deal with it day in and day out.

I’m betting it was Prevention as the law specifically funded DSI’s as part of the implementation. DSI’s work for prevention

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@Ehoss84 yeah probably. Land Use guys are super busy

Any idea how many employees all of the departments in the state would have to hire to complete inspections and write reports. You just can’t add this to the plates of your current employees. Plus these must be completed quickly during escrow so buyers and seller can digest and complete the required actions.

I believe that if CF we’re to get every B engine and every A engine, out of the station everyday till 1700, exception of mandatory training, equipment maintenance, etc (and calls) it could take a pretty large chunk out of the map and individuals needing to get their property signed off.