Nobody cares

We are in the shoulder season of what’s shaking out to be a very busy fire season. Can I go on record as saying nobody cares as to what LG STEN is driving 12 hours to xy or z fire. Awesome, we’re glad there are folks that are filling IROC orders, but by sharing this information it does nothing for what this website is intended for…. Wildfire Intel. This website needs to stay focused on factual information about the CURRENT fire that the post is about. If you feel it’s necessary to tell us how you were on that dirt 27 years ago and boy I tell you what did I ever get me a cough fighting that fire. Maybe it’s appropriate to start a separate topic. This website is very useful for folks looking for intel but it really doesn’t do much to scroll through 76 posts and get little actual info out of it.


Thank you for sharing what many are thinking! And it has its own post.


I would agree. There are many topics on this website that distract from what it actually is supposed to be. Union negotiations to be specific. This website is commonly visited by the public, I’m sure there are better forums to discuss many items…. I know not gonna be popular be seriously.


I will just say that on this particular issue I agree. BUT, I have been here since the beginning and before this the wildlandfire Hotlist. These SAME issues have been discussed dozens of times over the years (decades!).

People have different views for what this place is supposed to be - there really are no “rules” and even if there were/are they are very difficult to enforce - especially in the heat of the moment.

I have learned to scroll…

Just me as a long time group member.


To say “Nobody Cares” is wrong. I believe you have no sense of who reads these threads any why. A simple solution is to post LG equipment/overhead assignments on a separate thread, then you don’t have to read it.


So, what’s you saying is, “it’s not my problem, and I don’t want anything here that distracts from my own personal interest”?


That was fast, I wouldn’t expect this topic to last very long lol! I’d change it to: “Most people don’t care”.


Vent and keep it civil. Nuff said.


“Nobody cares”? Wow . . . thanks for trying to speak for me.

I actually do appreciate knowing who might be responding out of my Op Area, Region or GACC.


I’m new here so forgive me for maybe being wrong - but isn’t that the difference between the IA and Q&D threads? One more focused on general discussion in a q&a format and the other more precise and specific to facts about the incident?

I’m totally open to being corrected on this perception…

edit: all that being said, I do think there’s a place for a thread like the move up and cover 24 thread or perhaps there should be a general strike team thread


Member of the public here. I enjoy reading the work experience, work gripes, etc. It’s interesting to me and gives me even more appreciation for the dangerous, exhausting soul-sapping hard work you all do. Seems to me that most people only engage in that type of conversation when there’s a lull in any info regarding the fires.


I thought this was another thread on CAL FIRE’S labor negotiations. Just so everyone knows. I care.


I agree it gets a little long in the tooth sometimes. That being said, we shouldn’t stifle history being shared. That is what we learn from. That is how the fire service works. That is why we track fire history and behavior. We learn from the past. If someone wants to share what their experience was on a fire back in 87 on the same piece of dirt, let them. And lets hope a young fire fighter that ends up on that dirt read that and has it in his pocket.

Bottom line, Q&A threads are fair game in my opinion. You want just the facts, stick with the actual incident thread.


I also disagree with the “nobody cares” concept. If I am traveling into an area I have never been in before and someone has fought fire in that area and can tell me what hazards are unique to that area, like the way the smoke and fog combine to give one a nasty cough, then I will find that useful information. When someone can tell me that the winds tend to shift near sundown in a specific area or terrain I’m not familiar with, then I appreciate the information. That is what I thought this is why this website was created. If someone needs help finding an app to track aircraft for a specific fire, or a scanner app to hear the radio traffic, then I also find that acceptable. If some guy wants to tell what the weather is doing on the other side of the hill from the fire, then I consider that good information also.

If I am wrong, then someone please tell me what this forum IS for.


I care. Sorry for those that dont.


I am usually just lurking and reading. As a fire wife and now also a fire mom, I have always appreciated the information given in the Q&A threads. It has always helped me know more and have more tools in my “tool box” since I am stuck at home trying to get information each incident. Thank you folks for the info you provide.


I agree, not interested in what specific ST/engine etc is responding to a specific fire.


Personally for me I like it I am a wildland firefighter I have other family that is as well and when where working I can’t just call or text them but I can see oh there strike team is going here oh they are on this incident, for me I do care it’s nice to know where my friends and family are it also allows me go oh I’m going here I know so and so is here I can hit them up for more accurate intel, I like and appreciate that people post them.


I appreciate the LG/OES engines responding out of their areas, and what might have happened on that same ground years ago. I’ve only been at it for 57 years and I may be able to share something that I’ve seen over that time.


We’ve had this argument before on here, it’s the reason there is a (rarely used) thread called ‘Move Up and Cover’.