Nobody cares

Perhaps just keep scrolling through the post to get to the “info” you’re looking for?? :woman_shrugging:t2:


It is probably helpful to remember where this whole forum thing started going back even before FireWhat agreed to provide the backend support for the Hot List.
As I remember it, the idea of a forum came from Millie. She is ( hope she is still with us) a psychiatrist who’s family had a place high in the Trinity River drainage. They had seen a lot of fire. I think it was natural that Millie got involved with Critical Incident Stress Management.
I believe that it was Millie’s idea that there ought to be a forum for wildland folks to air thinks out.
But whoever had the idea, it was a good one!
All of us who participate here are benefitting from that idea.
Remembering this helps me smile when I get tired of scrolling passed reports of LG/OES Strike Teams wanting to inform us all at they are getting a chance to help out.




IF you are experiencing a serious attention deficit issue, there are public and private resources available, including Firefighters Helping Firefighters:

How do you know when you are stressed?

Firefighters Helping Firefighters (


Me personally I’m fine with it in general but it gets excessive sometimes just like camera screen grabs.

I’m gonna start a fight now😁. Basin fire sleeping accommodations were Table mountain resort for X and dirt, pavement, or concrete for Y.


Any yet El_fuego creates a whole topic whining about others making erroneous posts. Not a good way to promote stoke. Also, OES6969A is enroute from Malibu.


Thank you…

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I like the QnA because there is great info which I found useful when I was working and still find helpful and interesting. I do think that the IA thread is where new fires and info related to the incident’s status should be posted, as it seems like it used to be. Seems as though many fires have been started on the QnA post instead of IA.
Thank you to all who post the good info, and to the folks still out there doing the job. Cheers

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Can we discuss where everyone is sleeping. Let’s be real that’s what we care about. Ohhh and what’s for lunch.


Is el fuego from Catalina?


Well said El Fuego.

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:face_with_monocle: #Shmole


I hear the roast beef has rainbows.


Wait what???


3 hours and 35 posts,there really isn’t much on TV.
I think I will go mow the lawn.


Mod Camo posted earlier respective to keep this topic as venting but polite. I am going to restate that. If this is going to turn into a bashing of individuals as opposed to a candid discussion, it will get closed permanently. We can all disagree with each other but there is no reason to be hostile towards each other.


I agree Dozer_Keith. Let’s keep this civil and polite. But……you do have to appreciate the irony of it.


My stoy? 1967 Simi Valley. Big grss fire threatening a new subdivision. I have a Inmate crew. We saw the problem and all agreed. Lets kick it in high gear. We did. Tied the line into the Cul-de-Sac. The neighbors came out in numbers. One asked me. “What can we get you?” I told her “water for our Canteens.” She told me, “Nope, we’cooking dinner!” Thy did. We hd BBQ 12 oz New York steaks and Lemonade, mashers fresh Corn on the cob too. Then I saw my Lead Hook crying. I asked him, “Esquer hat is wrong?” He told me “No one has EVER thanked us like this” End of story.


I agree guys. There are hundreds of resources going to all these fires. We don’t need to bog it down hearing when a new resource is enroute to a fire. We get it you’re excited. People scroll through the comments looking for pertinent info and this slows it down for sure.


If you are going to post your strike team order, it’d be helpful for us who aren’t in that world to translate the identifier, eg, instead of XSPDQ-2142 say “Santa Clara Co” or maybe both, so we get an idea of where in the state things are rolling from.