Oh no! I have seen a couple private planes on Flightradar24 take off into the smoke cloud.
Probably a bit too exciting of an experience.
FWIW, looks like the fire has stayed south of the hot springs tract so far.
Spots fires are popping up close to, from what I can determine, around pleasant valley road neighborhood.
What is monitoring status? Does that mean it was left to burn for the last 12 days and now it’s threatening homes? I don’t understand that…
Bomber3005 Basically, yes.
And I agree firedog1,
But someone please start a new thread for
“monitoring fires” to discuss further.
Yes please. Keep this for the fire. And if someone is up to it, please start an IA.
Here’s an Idea…we don’t someone monitor the near by ranger units to the west and ask for help. Less than two hours away!
So the title says Nevada but that is clearly in California
It burned right out of the Sierra at Tahoe camera view. Too much for the camera operator to keep up with.
Although the fire is burning in California, the boundaries of Region 5 go outside and is being ran as a Nevada incident. We will keep this in the Great Basin thread.
Thank you
Great Basin Team 3, Type 2 has been mobilized for this
Yes, assigned in SF Wildcad on 7/4 under incident number HTF-30419
Per retiredbc2 Tamarack fire started on 07/04/21 and has been in monitor status until today at which time it transitioned to an active wildland fire. (Keep comments regarding this to a another post please).
Clearly in California
Yes, it is in CA but it is HTF DPA which is Great Basin, which is why it gets a NV identifier
It is written, it shall be done.