TAK Information-

Mojave Train Derailment video is up and available via the Cloud/FTP Plugin


Made a follow up video on what the benefits are flying a UAS in ATAK. Kind of scratching the surface but you get the highlights. Full context on location of video, remote gimbal control and augmented reality of TAK users and objects.


Have an idea of an ftp sever that i will get hosted for atak use. I want to take the last published ops map from.historical fires and put it on there.

How would you all want it organized?


Also how far back should I go?

Was thinking 15 years

Like the NIFC FTP site so the naming convention is the same.
15yr gets most but not all the “Game Changer” fires from 2003 in R5


Little update -

I have agency funding for the FTP site for ATAK. I am working out a few little things for a friendly URL and hope to have that fixed this next week. I have already slowly been bringing R5 historical maps over from the FTP and renaming them.

If you are an ATAK user you have no doubt see the change in the GUI in 4.5. I just finished updating my training ppt to reflect these changes. You might see some agency specific stuff in there for some recent training but overall this is pretty universal. I added a bunch more stuff like how to use fire area survey tool and how data sync works if your attached to a TAK-Server with that capability turned on.

I converted the ppt to PDF and is in the training folder at maps.takserver.us


I broke up the ppt a bit and removed the plugins

Now there is a basics and I added some more functionality to it and separate ppts for the plugins. Also put in bookmarks.

If you want the raw ppts let me know and I can get them to you as well.

Still in the training folder at maps.takserver.us


Here is a cool feature of ATAK that actually was born from us in wildland fire. CO MMA is in TX mapping I can see they have their camera on mapping we can assume they are taking the thermal camera right along the fire edge. In ATAK I can turn on a breadcrumb that is set off the center frame of the camera or SPI [sensor point of interest]. We can make our own live Map while they trace the fire.

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Made a little video on it.


iTAK will be on the app store on April 7th.

I am hoping this is a great start to bringing in more users the TAK environment.

iTAK has a long way to go to catch up to ATAK however most of the things like tracking, sharing points, polygons etc it will do.

I guess I change the name of this thread to TAK Information


AJ, that’s great news about the App! :+1:t4:

Great news AJ
Will there be “easy” communication between the IPhone & Android environment via Bluetooth?

“Great news AJ
Will there be “easy” communication between the IPhone & Android environment via Bluetooth?”

Yes, same question. This is one thing that Ehoss and I have encountered difficulties with Avenza between iPhone and android.


There will be soon. Ditto has bridged the Android to iOS communications over bluetooth and they have an ATAK plugin. I am sure they will be able to have something with iTAK so you can share data without a server or LAN/WAN. Check out this video in this linked in post. Adam Fish on LinkedIn: #usaf #peertopeer #realtimedata | 27 comments


iTAK is now live on app store.


If you ever want to deploy your own tak server there is FreeTAK Server. It does quite a bit. Their videos walk you though everything.


If you have downloaded it you will notice the GeoOps symbol set is not on there. I am working on parity with ATAK on the symbology.


I am starting to work with AJAX on a programming level to build a plug-in and I have some questions. What is the communication protocol on the back end of an ATAK plug-in?

I have worked previously on a WINTAK system and I recall it used socket or winsock communication protocol and it was done direcly from the plug-in to the remote hardware device software system.

Is this the same with ATAK? Do I need to investigate USB communcation systems?

This is not the forum for this.

ATAK source code is on GitHub.

This is for wildfire use of ATAK. Talking capability and operational uses.


I have been fielding some questions on iTAK and where its at on parity with ATAK.

Here is a pic of where its at. They are on a pretty big sprint right now to get some of this stuff fixed in the next 60 days.


Nice article for DHS on iTAK and TAK in general for wildfire.