TAK Information-

oh and of course your gonna want to watch this one lol…


For those that want to use DTED in ATAK you can use the import manager to bring the files directly in. I have CA, AZ,NM, CO, WY at www.tinyurl.com/takmaps . The zipped folders are in the ATAK MAPPING>DATA>DTED directory. Download the zip folder to your device then use the import manager and choose “Zipped DTED Directory” and ATAK will handle placing the files.

To check out the power of DTED scroll over to the grand canyon, use Google Imagery and put ATAK in 3D mode. Enjoy.


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Thanks to @DC3075 for providing some more DTED files.

We now have CA, AZ, NM, WA, OR, ID, MT, NV, UT, WY, CO


I get a lot of questions about what is a DTED file, digital terrain elevation data, this is what gives you a 3D effect in ATAK (think google earth) when you want it and elevation data on a point on the ground.

Created data packages for the fires in R3 for those that are interested.

Having native geopdf support now is soooo nice. No more map conversion.

I am going to create a tutorial on how to create a data package (aka a zipped folder). In essence take all the files you want as a data package and put them in one folder and compress it (aka archive or zip). You can then share this zip folder with others and be imported into ATAK.

If you are using a Mac to create data packages you need to use a zip application that removes the Mac extra little pesky files. I use YemuZip to do that and its available on the app store. If your using a PC to create the zipped folder/data package no need to do anything more.

this years data is available at www.tinyurl.com/takmaps



I have been able to import the Alert Wildfire cameras but I can’t seem to get the icons on the map to show field of view of each camera. Can anyone steer me in the right direction? This is on ATAK v4.3.1.0.


Click on a camera to get the radial menu. To turn on FOV click the “eye” icon.

Disclosure the FOV is not live right now. Its whatever it was when the datapackage was built. We are working on a live instance of this. Hopefully will be done this season.

You can change the FOV manually if you wish and change the color of the FOV overlay.

I seem to have different options on the radial menu and am missing the “eye”. Did I load an older data package?

Understood on the current lack of live FOV.

Anytime you want to build a new package go to www.tinyurl.com/alertfire this will.automatically build a new package and downloaf to device. I tyoically rename with the build date. Delete old package from atak and import this new one and see if it helps.

Also if you want to nail the direction in the camera video feed it shows the direction of the camera in both plus and minus on the X axis from 360 degrees. Its in small font below the image so zoom in to get it. From the radial.menu click on the “more info” option which is the.little peice of paper with lines on it at thr 5 oclock position. In the shot i provided you can see elsinore 1 is at 10 degrees X acis. No in sub menu you can manually put in the direction of the camera.

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I just downloaded a new DP. I grabbed eden valley. Checked the FOV and its nailed perfect. In the video it has the X axis at -24 degrees. 360 - 24 = 336. I checked the cam details and direction is 335. Close enough.

Another hint if you drag the camera box to the left it expands and you can see the x axis a little better.

Hope this helps getting the cam.nailed down if you have it staring at an incident or point of interest

@MBranstetter do you have the Hammer plugin installed? I just noticed that in the radial.menu. that maybe a bug with that plugin. Try unistalling the plugin. If that is an issue i can report it. I can try and duplicate it myself.

Man, you are on it. I uninstalled the HAMMER plugin and that changed my radial menu options right away to allow FOV and the associated functions. I grabbed the current camera’s DP file also. Understood on the X axis read-out on the camera feeds. I think I am good to go now. Thanks for the help.


Glad to be of help anytime. I will report the issue to the developers.

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Got a source for 15 minute lightnjng density for ATAK weather plugin. If interested PM me. Looks like some decent weather!

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Glad to see so many downloads of data packages for the Palisades Fire. Also got some feedback from @Station2 on ATAK use out in the field. The more folks that can provide feedback the better. I have said this before but if your stuck on iOS but want to try this out go on craigslist and get an S9 or better used Samsung and just use wifi, tether off your iphone if you need mobile data. If you need a tablet there are plenty used as well.


Agreed. Picked up a Samsung Tab A during an incident last year for about $150. Just used a Jetpack or my cellphone mobile hotspot for connectivity. I still haven’t used the program to a fraction of what it’s capable of, but what I have used is great!


@ajohansson thanks For all the input and all the research and time you put in! The info is valuable, especially for guys on the ground. The program does alot! Lucky I spent some time to read this thread before using it on the palisades. I was able to share the small Intel I had with some LFD folks at Basecamp, and they were amazed of what TAK can do

What are the minimum OS requirements that you would need Tablet to run ATAK?

Also when do you think the USFS will clear ATAK to be used on our Govt devices?

ATAK System Requirements

  • Operating System: ATAK requires Android 5.0 (API 21) or later.
  • Hardware: ATAK does not require specific hardware and should run on any Android device that supports the other System Requirements.
  • Graphics: ATAK requires a graphics processor that supports GLES 3.0.
  • Storage, Memory and Processor: ATAK does not have any specific requirements for storage, memory or processor, however, performance of the application will depend on the configuration.
  • Examples of Devices: Testing of TAK is generally done across a range of Samsung devices since they are primarily what has been fielded. That being said, TAK works on other non-Samsung devices. For a small phone style device the Samsung S5 equivalent hardware or newer is required and for a tablet style device Samsung Tab S equivalent or newer. It is recommended: for optimal experience, at least a Samsung S9 equivalent hardware or newer is used and for a tablet style device Samsung S2 equivalent or newer.

As far as on USFS Gov phones I dont know when the CIO is going to allow it. I would ask for it. If you have avenza why not allow ATAK.

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The USFS just approved ATAK-CIV for F.S. Platforms.

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