Where do you feel the NOPS / SOPS GACC divide be?

The easiest way to know if it is a NOPS or SOPS incident is this: If the CF Region number is a 1 or 2, it’s NOPS; if it is 3 or 4, it’s SOPS


What NF is split?

Not a split of a forest, but a split of the forests.

In light of this map, you say TCU was put in South for reasons, okay. Mono and Inyo make sense together. Intuitively, SC and Monterey Counties split at Pajaro, but they are really sort of one economic area. SC is sometimes called part of the south bay area, but not a lot. It would seem to make sense to keep Monterey Bay together, but that cuts off the top of LPNF, I guess. Its awkward, but surely there are some factors being left out.

TCU is SOPS as shown on the map above and carries a Region Identifier of 4. The NOPS boundary units are: CZU, SCU, AEU. Everything above that line is NOPS, everything below is SOPS with the boundary units of BEU, MMU, and TCU. We are making this way more complicated and complex than it needs to be.


You see a lot of Bay Area weather reports include Santa Cruz. There’s a pretty heavy commute on the 17. Its fine. Awkward at times, but fine.

TCU was not put in the North.

Was in the North. Fixed.

Part of Mono County is GBCC. Somewhere around Conway Summitt is the boundary between OSCC and GBCC.

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Not on that map.

AEU was in SOPS until 2007, when it was decided that having them in NOPS to match the ENF made better operational sense. Previously when they were in SOPS resource ordering in the interagency ECC was very challenging, going to NOPS for fed incidents, and SOPS for state incidents, not to mention the incidents that spanned the DPA line!!


Not that I am aware of.

The Northops and South Ops divisions have absolutely nothing to do with how TV does their news, but remember CZU is in NothOps, and aligned with the Bay Area in North Ops.

Ok…to give you one point. Monterey NWS is split between NorthOps and South Ops. But, again, that doesn’t matter.


It is on the official (from NIFC) National GACC Boundaries layer. Part of Alpine County too. I have worked on both sides of the GACC boundary in Mono County.

I’ve lived and worked all through there. Monterey south to Ventura goes by Central Coast so often that this is the way we often refer to it. Santa Cruz is Central Coast or not depending on who you talk to, and where they work. The North and South Ops boundary has just not come up often enough in my daily walk to have been important, although I’ll grant you freely some people here are paid to know the difference and get it right, because of the financials, and liability. That’s not something most people are tuned into when they look for info about a fire.

The ONCC/OSCC dividing line is a lot less of a wall than most other GACC boundaries, they do cooperate and coordinate well for moving resources around. You will find this site has quite a few folks who are very tuned into these issues. Getting it right makes it a lot easier to find fires in the various systems for sure. I think you would be surprised at the mix of folks on here.

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I’m not sure how important that all is, for me. The only thing I have riding on this, is that I would miss it for a little while. I’m not making any money, here, and the attention is incidental.

Then why start the thread, and be the most difficult person in it


I didn’t start the thread, and I’m not arguing for anything. The question was raised as to what people would change, and I reasoned through it a bit. Once again, its a tempest in a teapot. Anvilhead posted an image of a lightning cell west of Fresno, I posted a screencap of lighting detections from the same area. A person asked if it was the right topic thread. ModCamo answered and moved the discussion. What difficulty are you referring to? Do you feel compelled to intervene in something? What?

I’m serious. What are you finding it difficult to do, that has to do with any of this?

Your thinking way to hard about this. Any administrative boundary is largely arbitrary and for administrative purposes.

Doesn’t matter if it’s national forest boundaries, BLM districts, CAL FIRE Admin districts, NWS WFO office and coverage area, CalOES regions (law, fire, mutual aid). They all differ and should the need arise resources will readily cross the imaginary lines.


I agree. Heavy weather day. Especially out in the desert. Not a day to be doing risky things out in the heat and wind at all. Its also going to have a drying effect on fuels. And its not over, tomorrow looks to be about the same.

This is a strange discussion :thinking: