Wildland Firefighter Entry Level Pay

The bill states on both the house and senate version, it will take effect on Oct 1st


Copy, hopefully. Original bill said 20k base pay raise also lol

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You can read the txt of the Bill in the link below


Please forgive my ignorance, but I am under the impression that congress is still in an August recess and when I check the progress of hr 5169, it states that the bill has simply been introduced. So how and when do we anticipate the bill reaching the presidents desk for signing, and has “continued” pay been solidified in order to avoid a massive pay cut prior to something being signed by biden into law? I’m confused a bit on the whole thing, thank you


Both sides (Senate and House) have been introduced. The Senate bill was introduced and passed committee with 1 week! That never happens. The House version has mirror language as the Senate version. It now needs to go to committee and pass. Then once both versions get through and because of the mirrored languages and being bipartisan it has a huge chance to pass. Then it’s off to the president. But if anything gets in a way of it aka gov shutdown, Bad faith bargaining or world news changes the course of events. We will be in trouble. Either way it’s gonna be a nail biter!! We need more cosponsors from the Senate and House. So keep writing letters!!! I’ve provided many links in this chat. Use them to share the message with everyone and anyone


Let’s not forget POISON PILL legislation. With the threat of a Government shutdown due to the budget impasse, the current political climate surrounding the President and former president and the current economic climate.

If this bill is a stand alone(highly doubtful) it will pass with Veto Proof majorities.

If this bill gets attached to something like a CR(continuing resolution) for say the DOD, it will pass.

But, and sadly this is what I suspect would happen. This bill would be attached to something like minimum wage, climate change, etc legislation. This bill would be DOA.

As proof, I want to point out the C-130 fiasco that continues, 10+ years later. Calfire has had the planes for 5yr and the 1st one was supposed to be tanked 2yr ago.


Not to get down in the weeds but to keep things honest…

A “wrecking amendment” would usually be passed by someone/party that is opposed to the original bill. In order for the amendment to be passed a majority would have to approve (usually in committee). This usually occurs by someone/group in the majority party who don’t want the bill to be passed but don’t want to be seen as opposing the original bill. Thus the most likely form of a wrecking amendment would be something along the lines of defunding certain sections of the government (FBI, DOJ, etc), advancing a political point, legislation on abortion, etc…

My guess is it will either be clean legislation or more along the lines of your 2nd suggestion. It will be cobbled together with must pass legislation so everyone (except the wackadoodles) will be able to claim responsibility for helping Fed FFs as this is usually a winner back home. This is assuming thing don’t get derailed with a shutdown, etc…

If what you think (legislation w/a poison pill amendment) comes to pass out of the house, the senate will strip it out in conference.


And here folks is the Poison Pill I mentioned in my prior post.



This has nothing to do with the FF entry bill. You even mention if it is attached to a CR it will pass which is what R5s post is referring to.

My suggestion to all is not to react to all hot button issues as the sausage is being made. Most of these stories are put out there to make you angry, which is the way politicians and advocates get you to support their real causes.


Four new Cosponsors.


Have any feds checked their eopf file for new sf50 with “other pay” amounts recently added within the last few days?

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yes I was just in there and my “other pay” has almost doubled

Can you educate me on what it means?

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They could of used the old crisis clause to retain people. Like the first retention bonus 10 years ago. No bill has passed. It could be HR “testing” it prep for the bill. When I find out more. I’ll ensure to post it.

Don’t go buy a Truck just yet. Lol

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Did it come with a dollar figure and was this seen by Forest Service or DOI Firefighters or both?

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It did come with a dollar figure, mine was a little more than the lump sum backpay that were sent out at the beginning of the year. Haven’t heard from DOI folks but every FS FF I’ve heard from got it. But I’ve heard some pretty big variations in dollar figures that don’t seem to correlate to grade/step. Hoping for some information from the agency soon.

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Got a " retention allowance" in January, just got notification yesterday for a second " retention allowance"

Doubt it’s just them testing it with actual SF-50’s being loaded into your file.

My best guess is it goes into effect Oct 1 and they are pre loading it so we don’t have the mess we had last time.

Or they are trolling us and it was a mistake.

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DOI did not receive anything

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What did the forest service receive with this sf50 drop?

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