66 Hour Work Week

You know what rhymes with horse?


Divorce? Forced intercourse?? Discourse??


I think you get the plan lol

Yeah…….about that. You mean the rainbows and unicorns don’t’ just magically happen when the 66 starts? How dare you insinuate people will get forced to work the 12th day they just got taken off the pay period. So for the 3 to 5 year total implementation we’re still going to have to work the “O” word and like it? Shift pattern 4 will still get used with the nastiness of “operational need”? I was promised champagne not sparkling apple juice. Seems like penitentiary fornication until the math maths up. Or one might say smoke showing from the mirror room in the funhouse at the fair.


The shortage of available blue collar workers will continue for the foreseeable future.

Forcy Bear will need to expand his family to account for the year round, statewide force hire problems that are about to begin.

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You mean when you declare a war on cops, and treat’em like dirt, you don’t think there will be a recruitment problem? When you turn serious felonies to misdemeanor’s in the Ca. law don’t you think cops get tired of the jail turnstyle where as fast as you arrest the criminals they are back on the street. Who would work in those environments? Divorce anyone should be the motto for Cal Fire. Go to work, don’t sleep, get forced O.T. for days, what’s changed? It’s all about the State mission, not the betterment of the employee. The sooner the young learn that the better.


CAL FIRE is paramilitary. With paramilitary comes all the commitment and issues of being this kind of organization. It’s too large and like the military you get a lot of supervisors who aren’t very good at being leaders. The department calls the classes for those personnel leadership courses, but it’s really a reframed version of supervision. If you really believe terrible leaders can be trained in two weeks, well let’s just say you get what you get.

It’s a good paying blue collar job. Those that have educations understand they have other options for employment. This is what CHP and CAL FIRE are up against. It’s an honorable career and performs a vital public service but it’s not all roses and sunshine, part of the indoctrination is to help you believe it looks and smells that way. Let’s just say after thirty years of watching the same movie that has been remade, you get a full spectrum view.


Their 12 percent raise looks nice


The reality is, no one would be forced to work more than they already worked previously… (their 12th day) fortunately with the OT rate bump, I know lots of hungry motivated people that actually want that OT. They can have it!


I think the point is that if we are forced to work the 12th day then our schedule didn’t change.

Granted it’s at a higher rate, but it’s still 12 days.


Yeah well it’s not exactly realistic to hire 3000 people overnight. Baby steps. It’s a move in the right direction. No one should have expected the staffing to come immediately. We can only hire so quickly. In fact, some units did start hiring preemptively and will be able to minimize the OT.

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I agree. I just prefer that be the line as opposed to, hey it’s only the same schedule.

Again, both labor and management have this thing where we are treated like kids. That’s what makes us mad. Just say, “hey guys it’s gonna take a minute to hire all these people. Stay the course with us, we are headed the right direction.” We don’t always need to be “sold” the product.


AB1254 was placed in the inactive file on 8/26/2024. AB2438 was read a third time in the senate, passed and was sent back to the assembly, who did not take up voting on AB2438. Once the 2023-2024 legislative session ended on Saturday 8/31/2024 both bills are dead. For future consideration the bills would needs to be reintroduced in the next session and start the approval process all over again.

I’m not sure why people put so much hope into either bill, we have tried to legislate change before and it has never worked. The bills that L2881 has gotten approved in the past have been vetoed by the governor, who simply states “The State does not bargain wages or working conditions outside of collective bargaining”.


??? AB2438 has to deal with property crime.

AB 2538 (eliminations of 9 months maximum for FFs) was passed by both houses and will be sent to the governor for signing or veto.

Now back to the topic of the 66 hour work week, discussion on bills can be found at


Well what schedules are units going to?

Rotating Backward 2WP


I’m lost on this anymore, does that mean all units?

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No, each unit (Chief) will decide.
I’m curious if anyone chooses the modified

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IMO, in order to be a good leader in the fire service, you first need to be an excellent firefighter and engineer/driver. Second, your personal agenda should take a backseat to your leadership responsibilities. Most of us know the one or two reasons many people work to promote in the fire service: more money and/or ego. Ego can be subdivided into power trip (“boss”) and self-worth/self-importance. These days, it seems like there are many more bosses than leaders in the fire service.


So just me asking?? If the 72 hr shift is so unhealthy and we need to get to a 66 hr work week… then why are all the options have a 72 hrs on them?? Why not just stand our ground and say… 48/96 and the chips fall where they fall!!