66 Hour Work Week

I think our frustration is the lack of accountability and responsibility. I for one would be perfectly happy if the union said hey guys I’m sorry about the 260 we fought for it we didn’t get it. Here’s what we did get.

Instead, I get told oh no, we kept it but I’m gonna move these cups around and if you’re really clever, you can figure out which cup the 260 is under


Can’t stress this enough. Keep the end goal in sight here!

@2ndLine1stWord thats definitely not how it was explained to me, maybe your chapter worded it differently.


They said verbatim we got the $260 back and it has been rolled into your salary pay.

I hope you’ve all written a position letter regarding AB1254. It’s out of suspense and waiting for thr 3rd reading


AB2538 for year round Firefighters also.


I thought it did pass

A few more layers I believe, until it hits the governors desk

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See my reply to DZ here,

Regarding AB2538, it is in the same status as AB1254 (i.e. Senate Floor). It also has no opposition. To clarify, this bill only does away with the prohibition of FF working only 9 months. It does not make them year round. So the dept must declare there is an issue, state that we need to make certain FF positions work longer than 9 months, submit all kinds of reports to the executive/leg branch regarding this to justify it. The bill also sunsets in 6 years. FF remain seasonal employees not perm.


Thanks. It’s the second and third readings where I get lost. I believe it cleared the third yesterday so now it goes back to the assembly?
Hopefully, this does pass and we won’t have to worry(as much) about the fact that it’s not 4.82 % raise and really only 2.5

Admins: This thread has gotten very far away from the title topic. May I suggest it get sorted through and filed appropriately, I mean we’ve gone from 66hr schedule, to union bashing, to health care affordability, to inflation, and now we’re talking assembly bills?


Maybe so, but makes for some entertaining reading.


Maybe we just need to change the name to CAL Fire temporary agreement lol


It’s all tied together folks. A 66 Hour workweek without all the rest of the stuff like finances and health care is worthless.ie; what are you giving up or losing AND/OR gaining for the 66. It’s all tied together.


I"m hearing a wide variety of plans for implementing the 66 for the different program areas that varies widely from unit to unit.

There area a lot of people on dozers, ECC, hand crews, air/helitack, training, prevention, and so on who think they’re going to shift pattern 1 that are in for a bit of a surprise.

How a position in one unit is considered suppression and will be on shift pattern 1 while the exact same position in the neighboring unit is considered administrative and will be on shift pattern 2 or 4 blows my mind. Sounds like there is a lot that’s been left up to interpretation. 21 units, 21 ways of doing business.

I foresee a lot of “Hey, wait a second” moments between now and November 1.


I was told, again not my words, HFEOs will be on SP1

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At the 30,000 ft. level, inflation is about 22% to 25% and still being added/compounded on. That will not change anytime soon. When being realistic, the 66hr. work week and the crumbs thrown at an “increase” it’s an embarrassment. The Union is political and it is politics when negotiating. You will always get a “political” answer and the team will always want to placate themselves to the membership to make themselves feel good. That’s just a political fact and human. If you go into any of these discussions understanding that then you’re not surprised. The team got you 6 hrs. less work hrs. per week so maybe a part-time job or one of those $20.00 hr. jobs would help? It does take work and sacrifice to be a union leader so kudos for that, but it also takes work and sacrifice to work for Cal Fire today, so kudos to everyone who puts on the uniform.


I think just about every position in the department has been told that.

Only time will tell.

I’m just saying that if shift pattern 1 is important to you, be proactive and don’t let yourself be surprised come November 1.

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A whopping $147.00 raise and 1 less workday per WP for me.

What motive does a union officer have to placate themselves to make themselves feel good? A little silly considering they are subject to the same MOU they are advising you of. The “crumbs” you speak of in terms of a raise are paired with the heavy lift of hiring an entire THIRD PLATOON to support this workweek reduction, and potential future reductions as well.


CalHR proposes switch to bi-weekly pay
