66 Hour Work Week

This is what was explained to us at the ratification meeting yesterday. I have to give my local reps props, they didn’t do any half talk or misdirection regarding the 260. They flat out said it had a sunset.

They also said that it was rolled into salary under the new TA as a part of the overall pay increase. So my understanding is it will now simply be a part of salary with no sunset etc and it will be persable.


I’m struggling to see how it’s rolled in when our EDWC hours were reduced to accommodate the 66- those hours were simply rolled into our base. I have done the math and that adds up. I still seem to be missing the 260.

If it’s rolled in, then $260 of the 4.72% actually isn’t a raise. It’s all in the details and messaging

Just typed in my base with 260 and now without into the union calculator.

Hmm I’m still 407.53 short. Somebody else type yours in just to make sure I’m not going crazy… but that’s what I hit. Seems as though I’m missing that 260…. If we’re not getting the 260 just say it. It makes it worse when I’m being told look at the squirrel.

I want to state unequivocally, and for the record, I was merely passing on what I was told.

Please do not shoot the messenger because as I’m reading what you’re saying I’m feeling like I might have been lied to again

Color me shocked

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Same. I was told it’s not monetarily factored in, but rather the benefit going away was taken into account when bargaining what the raise would be. This means it’s part of the 4-5% to make us whole after the 24 hour reduction.

I can appreciate that, but I’d definitely use the words “make us whole” a little more cautiously. This work reduction, I am ok with because I understand it’s for the greater good, and yes sometimes that’s what we need to think of. But I also want to be clear, this has made a $400-plus reduction in pay, and I’m sure I’m not alone. As I said, I just don’t want warm water running down my back and someone to tell me it’s raining. Is that so hard. If I’m willing to take the cut, the least I could get is the truth. If our 260 is gone, don’t make me try to feel warm and fuzzy by saying it’s rolled in. We can throw out percents, but quite honestly, the unions own calculator is telling different.


The union calculator gives me exactly $203.68 more per month on Dec 1(without the $260) as it did on June 1(with the $260).

As has been stated MANY, MANY times this this thread. The lack of transparency from L2881 leadership has been “Smoke & Mirrors” at best.


The facts are:

The $260 is gone as of June 30th.
11.1.7 is also deleted in the tentative MOU.
The $260 is not mentioned anywhere in the tentative MOU.

From that, one can infer that someone who says it is now incorporated into the raise doesn’t understand the facts. If someone tells you this, ask for the supporting documentation. There is none.

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Where on the calculator do you see that you are short that amount?

  1. Type in your old base pay with the 260. This will give you what your new 66 hour would have been in total compensation (tc) had we kept the 260. We didn’t.

  2. Type in your current base pay with the 260. Look at the calculated amount for the 66 total compensation.

  3. Subtract:
    1tc - 2tc = net loss

The loss as in pay and does not make up the 260 “rolled in”.


This is what the bargaining team said

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Has anyone done the tax math on any of this yet? So our $260 was taxed at 31ish percent. So in actuality I personally saw $181 deposited to my bank account. Am pretty sure everyone is in agreement there???

So with our loss of money out of our EDWC that is now rolled into our base pay, this seems like a fairly significant amount that will no longer be taxed at the exorbitant rate our OT/EDWC is, and instead will be taxed at the rate of straight time checks? So for every $100 that we would get in EDWC/OT, 33-35% was taxed, $33-$35. When that same $100 is tied into our Base Pay, what percentage of that is taken out for taxes?

I’m seeing a $443 increase on my gross salary, so this $260 (that actually was $130 after tax) being gone is still leaving me on top of previous take home. Also, that money is now parable and taxed at a lower rate.


Yeah, I wasn’t sure how everyone’s $260 looked like, so thanks for clearing that up

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You realize that 31% is readjusted as an offset of taxes owed or as a tax refund when you turn you annual taxes in. Simplified, if you pay 31 dollars onf 100 during the year but your effective tax rate is 22% then you pay upto 22% on that amount and will be refunded the 9% difference. The initial tax on that money is higher but that should go against taxes owed to the state and fed government when you do your income taxes next year. Dont want to go off subject but yes OT is initially higher but will even out in the end. If not then you need a new tax guy or stop using turbo tax. For salary adjustme ts I suggest you guys keep your math pre tax and apples to apples as everyone has a different effective tax rate, especially in California where it is progressive and overtly confusing. Back to the 66…


Have any of the chapters selected a schedule? North Region had all UC meet and discuss last week. I’m curious if any units go against the grain, or if miraculously all the units pick the same shift that Region likes🤔

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You need to take into consideration the forward and reverse rotational staffing factors of 3.11 based on your age and multiply by the historical 72 hour conversion rate for a standard 53 hour work week on a 40 hour basis using the yield from the maximum EDWC benefit rounded to the nearest whole dollar which is proportional to your base salary under the multifactorial authentication protocol. This will clearly show the true effect of the $260 on your salary.

Why is there so much confusion?

It’s simple math.


No, I understand taxes pretty well and realize why our OT rate is taxed the way it is. I guess what I was getting at is if anyone knows what our take home is on Base/EDWC after deductions. In today’s economy, I would be a lot happier with $200 more in my account every month for groceries/utilities than waiting until June of the next year for a refund. Sorry for the rudimentary math, but I am a firefighter.

And if anyone thinks that our pay structure is not tied hand in hand with the 66 hour, then I don’t think I can convince you otherwise.

We are doing an informal vote on the schedules, which our UC is going to take into account what the troops wish. Like everything, not everyone will be happy, but I work in a unit where everyone looks out for eachother for the most part. I think there will be some growing pains when it comes to the change in schedules, but in a couple years we will have adjusted.

I’m thinking (hoping) the 56 comes within a couple years and the growing pains of the 66 are remembered in the history books as nothing more than a 2 year transitional period from the 72 to a 56.

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