66 Hour Work Week

Sched A and even schedule B suppression needs to be moved under OES in my opinion for this to work properly. All fuel reduction and natural resource work can stay under the CDF/department of natural resources side.


OES is no longer at the Agency level in State Government?

Volunteering for what?

I re-read the TA and you are correct, the rotational schedules only apply to SP1. That was an oversight on my part.

It does change the possibility of being put on a 4 day work week, but that isn’t any different than being on the current 4 day FCB shift pattern. It’s still 2 potential required nights at a station and 2 nights at home, it’s just different looking hours on the ePay timesheet. I wouldn’t call it the new NIRA shift because there was the addition of all classifications being given the opportunity to respond from an alternate location at management discretion within a 30 minute call back time, so it is different than NIRA in that regard.

I’m not sure where the NIRA things came from. I guess what it seems for most already SP4, there are essentially no noticable changes if they are left on that shift pattern. Just the hours in epay and two meaningless hours off of standby at 0500

I enjoyed this thread, and thought it was useful. Every one of the people I’ve talked to didn’t think they were ever going to work a 4 day again. It was even on the cover of the union magazine at one point.
But to me and my coworkers, this is where the Department of Forestry vs Big city Fire department comes to Yogi Berras Fork in the road.
The 4 day will always ensure that we’re treating brush. The 66 ensures we’re big city in my book. And in my opinion there is a lot of folks that forgot what the departments roots will always be planted in. I try to make funny analogies cause it’s what I do. Just like trying to alert people to smoke in mirrors.
Thanks and I hope I get one of those shift cards soon so I remember what day I work.


Just show up everyday. I’m sure we can find work for you :rofl::rofl::rofl:


This is the thing I do not look forward to the most right now. Remembering which days I work! Scheduling stations are about to get alot more cranky than usual and I don’t blame them.


Everyone has been begging for a shorter work week for decades. Finally it’s achieved and your biggest concern is remembering your duty days?

To me, this just shows that people are looking for something…anything…to complain about.

There’s a preprinted schedule to follow for the entire year that can be projected out indefinitely and every other department in the state has some sort of schedule like this. They all seem to have figured out how to track their duty days. What else do you want?

I’d rather spend time figuring out the actual facts of how this is all going to play out than hearing complaining about first world problems.


Isn’t it Yogi Berra who has the fork in the road quote? :joy: I’m not too worried about remembering what days I work… But I do hope there are some answers to some of the vague components of the TA and perhaps someone who is active here knows them or will find them.


As previously mentioned, there will be at least one Negotiation Team member at each Ratification Meeting either physically present or available via Zoom to answer your questions

Straight facts

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Ya my post is called sarcasm good buddy. Now I know everyone is super jumpy around here in this thread and quick to get irritated but please take a chill pill as they used to say.

By the way not everyone has been begging for a shorter work week. My joke was meant to illuminate the first world problems everyone is complaining about that you so eloquently mentioned.


Any word on the 260 we lost??

Incorporated into the raise we are getting


Is that just assumed because it was removed. I thought the union requested a meet and confer about it because it violated the Dills Act??

And technically the new contract doesn’t start until November (if ratified). So wouldn’t that stand to reason that employees should be getting the 260 for July through Oct??

On cal hrs website it shows the tentative agreement starting on 7/1/2024.

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The TA if ratified does start on 7-1-24, but the TA has no mention of the $260 towards healthcare, so the water gets a little muddy here.

Technically since we have not ratified a new contract we should still be operating under the previous agreement which includes the $260 a month, but the uncertainty factors in at, if the new TA does get ratified and goes back to 7-1-24 do we now have to repay the $260 and all associated earnings from that because it’s not included in the TA? Remember, the state will get their money from you faster than they pay you what you have legally earned. Personally I’d rather wait on back pay than have an AR owed to the state.

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The current agreement has language that the $260 sun sets on June 30, 2024. The new agreement is retroactive to 7/1/24.

It’s very clear in my opinion.