66 Hour Work Week

When voting for the 66 was any of these rotating shifts talked about no. Isn’t this all about getting the employee more time off that what they said but yet looks like people will be working more huh sure sounds fishy.


The unit has to be on the same schedule, so an FCB at a camp cannot be on a fixed shift pattern 4 while the engines are on a rotational shift pattern 1. If the engines are on the platoon rotational shift pattern, then the camps, dozers, air program, and ECC all have to be on the same platoon rotational schedule. SP4 does work as a rotational schedule, but I fail to see how it works into the modified Kelly schedule. The way I see it, a modified Kelly schedule almost guarantees that all suppression positions have to be on SP1 because no other shift pattern fits.

Management has the right to manage, but the members have to remember that the union can’t just show up to bargaining with a list of demands and refuse every TA that doesn’t meet the list. There has to be compromise from the bargaining team, CAL FIRE, CAL HR, and the Governor so SP4 can’t just be lumped 100% onto the bargaining teams backs as having been thrown in there. A lot of other California agencies made sure it was in there as well.

I personally do not for see many Unit Chiefs putting suppression employees on SP4. The non-suppression positions (all ranks) that do get placed on SP4 still get the MOU duty day of 0700-1800 so the stand by hours aren’t working hours and it’s written in that there is the possibility of being at an alternate location for response too. So 4-day non-suppression employees schedules aren’t really changing other than their hours in ePay, it will still be the same 4 days they are currently working. The HFEO’s, FCB’s, and Air personnel should all be placed on SP1.

Where have have you read that everyone has to be on the same “schedule”? From my understanding, everyone on SP1 has to be on the same schedule under SP1, but being placed on SP1 is the UCs discretion. Seems to imply whatever employee/program is on SP1 will rotate the same way, however if the UC decides, FCB, HFEO and so on can still be placed on SP4 if he/she decides to do so. To clarify it does not state anywhere that everyone has to be on the same SP. That’s why there are multiple patterns.

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Entitlement? Uneducated? Your making me want to sign up right now. Starting to sound like your running for office for the D team. At no time have I questioned what has been done or accomplished by the union. I have stated that I appreciate the work done by employees who have time to volunteer. Every time one of these discussions occur online with you union guys shoving it down the memberships throat that if you don’t like it then step up and volunteer is the problem. We are voicing our concerns and opinions. You should be ashamed of yourself for attacking members online when our veiws dont fall online with yours.
Back on topic.
SP4. Is it the new NIRA /IRA? When fire season is over can the individual Units assign BU8 personnel that are no longer responding to incidents on SP4?

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I think this thread needs a temp time out. A cooling off period. Things have gone astray.


Fire1300, how does working 11 days in a 28 day work period instead of 12 equate to working more?


Some get heated to easily. Hopefully we can stick to questions and answers about the topic of the TA and 66 hour.


Theres no way we could ever seperate sch A and B right?

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Those that currently work a 4-day schedule still have the same potential 4-day schedule in the new TA. So there is no “working one day less” like there is for the engine folks.

SP 4 is plain and simple the new NIRA/IRA so that treated acres get completed 7-days per week.

Anyone who watch ANY of the hearings understands that the Senate and Assembly #1 concern was “what are we getting for $750 million more” the answer was MORE TREATED ACRES. The next question was how will that be tracked. The Answer (not publicly) was Project-33.


FWIW, having worked perm for LG and CF, I’ve seen where a dept receiving coverage by contract THINKS they can do it better or cheaper. But when shown all the ancillary costs they’ve gotten for free, realize they’re badly mistaken. Things that are sometimes, but not always free or greatly reduced cost, included: mechanics, academy/training costs and instructors, reserve engines, mutual aid, investigators, retirement costs, health care, chief officers, administrative staff, ecc, station maintenance, utilities… probably more.

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In regards to pay, schedule, hiring requirements. We could have 1 union that branches into 2 memberships idk… i totally understand we could never ever pay all CAL FIRE fire suppression employees LG wages, but if it were to seperated we could still have our CAL FIRE mission sch B and then LG contract side.

If you work for example in training and you don’t live in the unit you work in you will work more aka 4 days and not 3 that’s how.


The only change to shift pattern 4 is the standby hours. Its usage remains the same. L2881 has proposed the deletion of shift pattern 4 for over 30 years. It has been a hill to die on for management.

The new MOU allows additional programs the ability to utilize shift pattern 1. If someone gets placed on Shift Pattern 4 (exception Fuel Crews where over 80% of the employees are 40 hour week employees) their is only one person to blame, it is the Unit Chief, they are the only one that can make that decision, not L2881.

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As far as schedule A, their may be local government entities and most important their labor organization that will look at what Cal Fire now offers and elect to consider contracting for various local issues!!

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I guess I am not following the New IRA/NIRA comment?

The number of Program Areas where shift pattern 4 is available is limited…

Fuels crews don’t work weekends due to the 8.4 40 hour Duty Week.

CDCR Inmates don’t work grade on Weekends.

Again, I suggest you attend a Ratification meeting to have all of the nuances explained. You have probably figured out one question leads to 10 more what if’s.

Meetings coming soon to a location near you!!

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Man I think you’re missing the point.
Lotta folks can switch over to SP4 during non fire season and get used to a 4 day work week targeting the mission of the Agency we’re owned by. “Treated acres”


Who is the allot of people you are referring to?

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Sounds like your volunteering

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Have fun all. This thread has disintegrated to a complaint-fest. It’s very apparent no matter how much we move forward some will not be content and find an issue that is a deal breaker, and our pay, schedule and union are messed up and dropping the ball. It’s been fun. See ya on the 66.


Every single employee that can now do a 4 day