66 Hour Work Week

I always wanted something better we all do/did, that was and is the direction given to the team by the membership and they/we didn’t take tank responsibility lightly, we took it to heart!!

In every contract that I was part of, the decision to forward what was considered the best available package based on the volumes of input received and the realities of all of the inputs both pro and con, we forwarded what we believed was the best of the outcomes that were available for consideration by the membership at that point and time.

Their is a reality to the process and the volume of external forces excerpting pressure on the state to limit compensation increases is far larger than you probably think about!

Moving to the 66 is a major accomplishment, similar to past changes in history starting with the 120 hour duty week, then 96, 84, 76 for FFI’s and the 72.

Eventually you will have an opportunity like every other member to attend a meeting and have the final MOU explained and express your personal opinion just like every other member, AND you and every other member will have the right to exercise their opinion and vote YES or NO, that is your given right and at the end of the process the votes will be casted and the majority 50% + 1 vote will prevail and based on the results either the new contract and the incorporated changes to the MOU will be enacted, or the Negotiation Team will return to the Table and continue the process either through agree to further modification or again to Impasse and those associated processes and decisions.

I don’t have the answers, I am not at the table and also do not know the nuts and bolts of the current negotiations the same as those that think they do.

I’m glad I don’t have to take the Personal shots anymore that came from and, by the way continue to come to this day from some who ended up on the losing side of the the negotiated changes.

All I can share with you is process and experience in the process, the nuts and bolt’s are outside of all of our preview at this point and the final outcome is unknown,

Give the Team a chance and your support, you don’t think for a minute they don’t carry the same concerns? The difference is they are wearing that weight of implementing the 66 hour duty week implementation every minute of the day while awake or attempting to sleep for the 8,000 plus members they are charged with representing. You will never know what that entails unless at some time in the future you are charged with that responsibility!!

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Appreciate your humble response. Although it may not seem like it, I have empathy for the leaders at the table. It’s also important to remember that they accepted or pursued these positions knowing (at least I hope) they are in the hot seat and with that comes the kudos and sticks and stones. The later is driven by frustration, which is driven by not feeling heard. I will say you are right, I hope our members and leaders have the courage to go back to the table if we are offered lower pay. A day less does not pay the bills for many of us hard working blue collar workers.


The Director has said the transition to the 56 hr work week will create 2500 new positions. Is there even 2500 people to fill these positions? Anyone thought of that yet? Anyone notice that the fire dept in general isnt exactly the most desirable career to people anymore.

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Lots of people to fill positions below Captain. Plenty of non-violent felons to pick from!
(Sorry, I couldnt’t resist)


Effing Buffalohead with that one! Lol


Hey everyone on the bright side cal fire employees can have long mustaches :smiley:.


Yeah well now I want a leather helmet and a puffy jacket. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


To be fair that is something we all have to do here. Not grow handlebars but shed humor on the situation because to be honest I’m not going anywhere any time soon.

We are the best in this job at walking through disappointment with a smile on. Now I think I reignited some of this conversation because I noticed the reduction in salary and OT rate however, turns out all related to the health cash stipend.

So my apologies there, but fire season in full effect and I will continue to keep my guys positive and healthy to the best of my ability.


In the end, all we have is each other. And… in the end of your career I hope you have your family.

Management, Labor, they all start to become removed from the reality of this job. How could they not. They have people around them who think the same, sit at a desks and their biggest concerns are answering phone calls and emails, and ensuring politicians feel good. Will this simplification enrage some, yes. But the fact is, when you pull up above their 30,000’, another 30,000’ that’s the reality. So when that dynamic becomes your reality, you miss all the little things, or as it’s called “in the weeds”; which is a statement that waters down concerns from members about issues that matter to them. Well management and labors “in the weeds” is what’s not allowing them to see or understand the changing dynamics of ours. Less pay in anyway, quite simply means, you need to be at work more to make up what you’re losing. Which means less time with family, which may lead to broken homes, which can lead to a work environment where balance is even further off kilter. In all reality the actions you will have to take to make up for loss in pay create a tipping point towards CAL FIRE being the company store model. This is the underbelly of socioeconomics that we aren’t discussing and that no manager or labor rep, either hasn’t thought of, or isn’t discussing. This is not meant to point fingers but instead advocate for member concerns and pull back the curtain of reality, while hopefully uniting the idea that we may have to say no and send the bargaining team back to the table. It may not happen, but it could also very much happen.

Keep the 72 if the 66 is a pay cut.




The 72 hr shift is gone. The 66 was agreed upon in the last MOU. Read section 14.6. It’s a done deal. All of the criteria has been met. The next MOU vote will be for shift schedules and raises, or pay reductions. It’s gone, good luck with that.


You know the best thing about bargaining is, you can put things back on the table.


You get more with honey than you do with vinegar. The comment (paraphrased) earlier about, we are the 5 on the bargaining team and we’re doing the best we can so literally shut-up (be quiet) isn’t a way to gain unity amongst the membership. I’ve been on numerous bargaining/negotiation teams for over 2 decades dealing with numerous unions. There is always some information that can be shared that atleast comfort the membership. Any information is good information. Going dark is an omen that something isn’t going right! Even re-sharing the bargaining priorities and list from the Union’s Convention is good information that can be re-shared as not every union member knows what that actually is. Take accountability when something goes amiss, like health benefit language, and you’ll get respect and praise when things go right! Just remember the number 1 priority should be communication with the membership in any form available. Just my 2 cents!


In no way did I say “shut up”. I am sorry if that is what you read. My gut feeling is that the issue we have is about which side of the isle we feel we need to defend. That’s ok. Opinions matter. And in no way have I ever indicated that “shut up” is a course of communication. So I take offense to your insinuation. In fact, we need to have more talk. If we aren’t so hung up on every word, and read between the lines, we would begin to see that the main purpose of this forum is hearing how scared the membership is about losing pay for blue collar workers and in a time where everything cost more.

As I said before I hope I’m wrong and we are presented with an offer for a 66 hour schedule that maintains our pay and PERS. Is that such a hard thing to get? Because if we accept less our workers will be at work more to try and make up the difference just to put food on the table and pay a mortgage. Which takes away from the whole point of going to a 66.


I wasn’t referring to your post. I apologize if you felt that was directed at you!

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My mistake. Apologies. I appreciate the insight you do bring.


Good grief, so we’re going to a 66, we’re just voting on schedules. This is amazing. I’m telling ya, this was the slyest move I’ve ever been a part of. I still standby a Working group to study the 66 was what the vote was about. Today phone calls are being made because employees are realizing this, thanks to this thread. Nice, cheers


Remember vote YES on the gas tax…to repeal it!!


At this point, per MOU 14.6. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was not a 72 to vote on.


It would be interesting to read the JLMC minutes