66 Hour Work Week

The union has stated it is trying to move us to the industry standard 56 hour work week which is 99% of the time a 48/96.

Here is a great PowerPoint the union made to help explain the schedules



How would it not meet COLA? That is a retirement formula and although it is set at 2%, the base (your retirement dollars) for COLA is likely different based on a person’s tenure upon retirement. Am I missing something? I can see how it would make sense in retirement, but it will still be from a starting point based on my pension when I sign on the dotted line. Which is not far off. And I’m thankful for that. Not that I’m not appreciative of the memories or skills this I have learned but after 30-fire seasons, I can only hear the same song so many times. It’s just time for a different book of life and I feel the need to grow as a person in a different path.

Something I haven’t seen yet, are we ready to lose schedule a contracts due to the 66/56?

2 things firefighters don’t like….change and the way things currently are.

I think the bump forward or bump back are the way to go. The modified Kelly seems to benefit the department and not the employee. More people on per day and if someone calls off or a staffing pattern hits, moving those employees from their home station to all the way across a large unit to staff a piece of equipment.


As far back as I can remember this has been a common thing that gets asked. The reality is schedule a contracts that do not adjust to the change are likely being supplemented already through 02350 and frankly are not of benefit to the state. Schedule A agreements should be mutually beneficial for both the local municipality and the state. I’ve heard it repeatedly through many of the contract negotiations and while we have lost some A contracts, we have also gained contracts and brought others to an industry standard. This is in no way an advocation to get rid of schedule A agreements, but some contracts have definitely gotten way more than they should have at the expense of the state and employees.


Voting is live

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:100: spot on assessment. Adding its a “Gift of public funds”
For 02350 to supplement Sch A. Now moving a person here and there is 1 thing. But if we were being true, transparent and accurate, everytime a 02350 person on regular days is moved to a Sch A location for a day. That person’s base PCA should be changed as well. Which, for the most part doesn’t happen.

So is the Department/state here to help a community that doesn’t properly fund/staff it’s operation? Or should Sch A truly be as large as it is?

A majority of employees are in 02350 or 03050 PCA. Yet some Sch A members seem to think it’s the other way around.

How many Sch A/B facilities in the state TRULY pay for the costs of the facilities?

100% we are. Why would we not want to cut ties with a contract that can’t afford us?

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This has always been the rub with the issue. The louder voice to the union has been schedule A. The amount of forces has gotten to ridiculous, I agree. But is that really the departments fault or the current 72 hour work week? No

It is the fault of the department/ unit to not fill or force these contract to be staffed appropriately. I think the biggest problem is the department’s ability to recruit and retain medic positions. Those seem to be the biggest reason so many of our contracts are not fully staffed.

Some contracts were also sold on the everything needs a paramedic on it which is unrealistic, unaffordable, and inefficient.
While I completely agree the state should not be shell game funding contracts, the loss of contracts could be a huge problem with displacements.


Correct me if I’m wrong but I believe over 50% of our staffing is now schedule A statewide.

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02350 & 03050 make up over 60% of suppression employees.
The 66hr adds another 2400 of which 1500 are FAE’s

With the number of openings due to the 66, I’m not seeing displacements as a problem.


We can absorb for sure, however it could be major disruption to an employees life. Example and fae paramedic that lives and works in NorCal gets displaced to sdu or rru.


Is anyone thinking FCB, HFEO, Prevention and the other programs eligible for shift pattern 1 & 4 will get put on shift pattern 1? The way it’s written is that it’s the UCs desrection. That would lead me to believe that despite the odd new shift pattern 4, those programs won’t be working one day less a week afterall. If I’m missing something and someone can clear that up that would be awesome.


In the event of a Contract deciding to seperate from CALFIRE. There is a 1yr notice to terminate the agreement. Additionally, the new agency or the agency taking over has the same staffing issue’s, hiring from the same labor pool that CALFIRE has. The days of 100’s of people applying for the same single job are history. Employees will have to make decisions, no different than happens in the private sector when a business goes out of business, closes locations, moves put of state, etc.

When San Miguel left SDU there was a hiring pause, but nobody lost their job as happened when BDC/BDU & TLC/TUU splits occurred.

Personally, for the betterment of the Employees and the Deptartment losing some contracts would be a good thing.
Still too many 2/0 staffed municipal engines, or 3/0 staffed single resource stations running 4,000-6,000 calls per year.


What about training folks how can you tell them they have to work a 4 day but the other fire captains get to work the 66 seems like someone dropped the ball on this. Good luck filling training spots.


If my memory recalls, those assigned to Training use to go home every night.

So will the Air Attack and Helitak staff do the same now?


SP 4… The mystery shift that no one is talking about.
No side notes, no sub letters.
:nose: :tropical_fish:


Shift pattern 4 has been laid out and it’s bizarre and has no benefit for the people who will be placed in it. 24 22 10 10