66 Hour Work Week

I legit did not realize that was a nose at first glance….


SP-4. Where every unit will do something different.


I call it the “NRA” shift, Natural Resource Agency shift
:fire: :evergreen_tree: :axe:


The TRANFERS out of these positions will be a Mile high and the vacancies will continue to be an issue.


I could be wrong but having 0500-0700 off one random day of your shift probably seems more like insult than a perk for most.

Schedule A contracts have never been a benefit to CAL FIRE employees. Schedule A contracts provide cheap subsidized fire protection for local municipalities. The true cost of schedule A contracts is borne by the employee and their families, who for the most part do not live in the community they are subsidizing the cheap fire protection for.

If a schedule A contracts wants to pay their fair share and actually be mutually beneficial that so be it, if not we are better off without them.


Hey Zulu , Badbrad and Komeara

What ya say about SP4. Was told that was a Admin shift but that was dropped as soon as I asked for clarification. Seems like you guys are in the know. What’s it meant for? Been getting enough text messages from LE & CC’s and them salty dirt pushers that seems like their should be some clarity?
3 day work week (for all?).


Double edged sword. Sched A is a big reason why our schedules are changing and we can point to all risk for our employees. Moving forward, we may end up losing some to cost, as they are still publicly managed by towns or a board of supervisors that feel they can do it better. They can’t do it cheaper without taxes. Often you see measures put on ballots when fire service has incurred an increased cost. Ultimately police and fire are a budget liabilities, as they never bring in money. At least not enough to completely offset operating and admin costs.

So, my understanding and my take is that shift pattern 4 is for admin types with no suppression response think region offices and Sacramento HQ. . Everyone, that is suppression response; engines, crews, dozers, air attack/helitack, prevention, training (if the have a response component) ECC should be/will be on SP1.

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I asked for clarification on the admin and it was used as a negotiating term, & not noted anywhere in the MOU.

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Have to remember there is a section of CF employees that don’t fall under BU 8 but BU 7 and they carry a different schedule ( alot of Sacramento HQ employees fall under BU 7 ) so the pattern 4 would not even apply them.

SP4, The new NIRA/IRA? Could we potentially see our NG,CCC, FF1 crews be put on this in none peak times of the year to carry out the departments priority fuels reduction goals? Maybe even some of our State engine companies? I don’t like it, wish we could all stand together and say no to SP4 existing. All or none. HFEO, Fuels program, crews, LE, Training, ECC, ETC. Lets not leave anyone behind.


The union sure isn’t talking about it. Or putting Big Bold red underlines stating ADMINISTRATION underneath it in the MOU.
Just this random convenient four day Work week.
“But everyone is the same shift”, until your not because your supervisor changed or someone has a better idea.
I feel we deserve more clarification from the union. Not all units work the same shifts for like positions. So who is the 3 day actually entitled for year around? And who will switch to a 4 day this winter that thought they were going to a 3 day, AFTER VOTING has already occurred. Including Inmate and hand crew captains. And LE. Not just HFEOs. The reason HFEOs can ALL go home at night now is on a SP4, 4 day WW you’re not getting paid. Pretty hard to keep you when you’re not getting paid at night. Smoke in Mirrors on SP4
So your “Big city” shift when we feel like it, and back to Forestry when we need those treated acres. I appreciate my job, but I didn’t ask for Big City shift. There is more than enough employees in these SP4 classifications to support 7 days a week on grade without SP4 existing. Especially in the winter. So go back and get rid of SP4. Knock it off.


Correct, but I’m not talking about the BU7 employees.

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How is Schedule A a big reason our schedule is changing, when the majority of our workforce is Schedule B? We are the only department in the whole state that works the schedule we do, so if anything its the fire service industry standard schedule that is the big reason for the schedule change not schedule A contracts.

Everything else you said simple reiterated my points, of course local governments can’t do it cheaper without raising taxes. That is exactly why we as the employees and our families subsidize cheap fire protection for communities that most of us do not live in.

If a contract is not mutually beneficial, in my opinion, they can either go hire someone who is willing to do it cheaply or figure out how to adequately fund the their department.

When I was first coming up I thought schedule A contracts were the best thing ever. I now understand that schedule A contracts are the best thing ever for the local municipalities with schedule A contracts and the state and the worst thing ever for the employee and their families.

It was made very clear at the TA training at 2881 HQ. The rotating 66, SP1 is for all those people who work on engines, dozers, crews, air/helitack, prevention etc who are expected to respond to emergencies. There is no option for a “winter” four day work week.

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I get it man. Simple question, can I be switched to SP4 during winter when we’re not responding to Veg fires. Can we turn wrenches (which is fine) along all the augmented new mechanics as well that are making way more than I am anymore?
Or go lop, pile, spray, deck, grind, burn, uncrustable then repeat, forestry all winter long 4 days a week and have a miller at night?

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Sacramento HQs has no Crew Captains, HFEOs assigned there. If they did it would be a for a 5 day short stint. There is no admin role for the personnel eligible for SP4.

I see no possible way that in the TA MOU, you can be switched to a 4 day during the winter.

No, but they have plenty of FCAs and BCs.