
Yeah that’s the one.

I just read an article that in passing said 2 fire engines were destroyed. I am having trouble going back and finding it.

I hope all involved are okay.

There has been other equipment destroyed as well. I’m sure at the end of all this it will come out at some point. From what I’ve heard and observed, this is a totally different beast those guys are dealing with on that fire. Stay safe! Everyone goes home!


The photo was taken by Josh Edelson - Getty images. I found them about 4 days ago but held it up on the request of one of the Mods, but now that it been brought up…here’s a front view… you can just make out part of the identifier GIR…Zaca articles is from the LA Times.


Where is the pump panel located? Calfire is driver side pump panel, USFS rear mounted.
Local Govt?
Just my thoughts.

Has a Cali exempt plate, so not a FS engine.

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Greenville Indian Rancheria?


For additional pics, you can go to his posting, you’ll have to scroll down and to next pages.“josh-edelson”?editorialproducts=news&family=editorial&page=1&phrase=“Josh%20Edelson”&sort=newest

Be forewarned tho…there are some sad pics there…


Here my CSI analysis: the build up is not any of the cal fire models. There are 4 iterations of the Model 34 - this doesn’t match any or a 14 or a 25. (The rear lowered comp and the lack of pump panel or hardline reel.) Also, there is a ghost of 2 decals, one on both doors. I would say USFS, but some saw a CA license plate. I’m not sure how but I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. Therefore Surplus USFS sold to small LG department.


At the early stages of the Dixie. AA called for emergency traffic and launched the rescue airship to potentially assist emergency evac of firefighters climbing out of an area where no vehicles could get to them and their apparatus was broken down. I’m sure that rig was destroyed. Maybe that one?

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It is the remnants of one of the local Indian Valley engines.


If you scroll down through the pictures you will see 2 separate engines burned. 1 may be a type 6. I really didn’t look real close. The second one looked to be among burnt buildings.

The second engine was burned inside the Greenville fire station. And on closer look it was not a type 6. Information found on the Getty images link.

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In the link provided by Tumbleweed, you can find several pictures in the series and the license plate is clearly visible.

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#DixieFire 8/7/2021 Evening Update

Good evening. It was an active afternoon on two portions of the fire today. The smoke cleared out on N and E flanks about 12:30 today. Most of the rest of the fire had relatively minor spread. 2 areas of concern.


Can anyone confirm that the Mt Harkness lookout was destroyed? I think it was in the southeast part of Lassen Park. Bummer if it’s gone - built in 1930 I believe.

EDIT: Yes, it was destroyed. Sad loss, kind of like the Greenville Library.


Based on the GOES imagery the eastern-most portion of the fire burned hot and moved fast – largely in an easterly but also southerly – direction between about 2200 and 2400hrs last evening (8/7). I take it from Zeke’s evening update (The Lookout) that is was likely in the Moonlight scare.


looks like a hydrostat pump configuration

The historic Harkness fire lookout did burn down," park Superintendent Jim Richardson said Saturday night.


Updated maps - some spread on NE and N flanks.