Was just watching that High Plateau Cam, seeing spotting and roll out issues on that left flank. It seems to be chewing through the retardant pretty consistently
Nailed it…
Power is out along the whole 49 corridor all the way past Downeville
AS is certainly a bad situation. In fact the entire south and west Nevada County region is. As far as fuel breaks… not great. People need to get serious about defensible space there.
The Rices is burning away from heavily populated areas, but f it does experience a down canyon/down slope wind tonight then there are a lot of homes and properties along Pleasant Valley Road.
AA states that the fire on the ridge line is backing down the Middle Yuba drainage, under the column. He believes it will reach the Middle Yuba overnight.
520 acres per AA. Slipped into Middle Yuba drainage.
And worried about structure threat on the right flank.
Definitely can see a team going to this.
Now that the news copter is over the fire again, things are looking better. Far from over, lots of work to do. But looks better.
But I guess this could precede the wind change…
Not looking terrible from Hwy 49 at the moment… After running the slope, it seems sheltered from much wind. Forecast winds in CalTopo look favorable for keeping it from pushing toward Nevada City.
It’s a pretty steep area! I was station at Columbia hill NSJ and that whole area steep and thick! It’s going to to be a rough one for sure! Praying for 2374 ,2384
The wind shift has begun. You can really see it moving south/southeast on the Barr camera 1 hour Timelapse
Looks like the air show has been hitting this one hard. Been watching the lats, vlats, and s2’s make their rounds out of grass valley and MCC on flight radar 24…very impressive. Any word if there’s an agency copter on this? I’ve only seen private ships.
I have not seen any agency copters all day. All copters assigned seemed to come in and fuel at GV (GOO) at once and they were all contract.
Much appreciated if some one has Wednesday’s Air Tactics frequencies?
I will be very close to there doing radio site work.
Thank you.
Been looking around for a link to listen to Command as well while I am out of town, haven’t found one yet. Does anyone have a link that picks up Command 2 online?
XYO4278C enroute immediate need.
Type 3 team assigned. Sacramento Regional IMT in brief tomorrow morning.
They have some units to the north watching it back down into the canyon.