The Latest from Inciweb
Current as of 9/5/2018, 5:55:48 PM
Incident Type Wildfire
Cause Under Investigation
Date of Origin Wednesday September 05th, 2018 approx. 12:51 PM
Location North of Lakehead
Incident Commander Young/Bosenko
Coordinates 40.923 latitude, -122.408 longitude
Current Situation
Total Personnel 600
Size 2,000 Acres
Fuels Involved
The fire is under unified command with U.S. Forest Service and Shasta County Sheriff’s Office.
Norcalscan - The feed is sounding good, but the canyon will mess it up as things go along.
Luckily, it has an old burn scar to go into to the west. Ridge access up on top of that area should be reasonably good. Between Hirz and the burn out areas north of Carr, hopefully it can be boxed in to this area.