Here is a satellite view of the fire from yesterday.
And a closer view of the types of fuels it is burning in.
Composite image showing fire severity - hot burns in the chaparral, lower intensity in the closed-canopy timber.
Also looks like the fire is burning hot in heavy slash in some of the clearcuts on the SRA.
It is understandable that CAL FIRE wants to keep the fire out of the commercial timberlands/plantations, but so far, it looks like the fire has done a lot of good work putting mixed-severity fire on the ground in lands that are mixed brush, oak, and conifer, and (for the most part, so far) not actively managed for timber.
In our inability to get large-scale prescribed fire on the ground, wildfire is doing a lot of the heavy lifting of fuels management for us. There is a lot of debate about direct vs indirect tactics, but we’ve got to remember that the Federal land management agencies have a lot of different management objectives (wildlife, biodiversity, recreation, cultural resources, etc) than CAL FIRE does, and to me, this fire looks like it has a lot of good land management outcomes so far.