Right. In principle, I’m not sure the image of the IMT as a sort of Arthurian king and noble round table who crusade across the land, slaying dragons, hydras and golems one by one, is a particularly useful one, although there is a factor of the cavalry riding to the rescue, it’s a teams (plural) effort. Not sure about the abbreviations or what turn on them.
Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock Effect (complexity of scope). Under kinetic physical demand and mental stress, we perform better when we don’t have to change zoom levels too much. Responders are more effective when a CB can focus on their section of line, for instance, a Div leader can focus on the scope of their division and an IC can look at the big picture.
Although some leaders can traverse the tiers of scope very well, it’s better when you can stick to a particular scope (zoom level or altitude) as much as possible. Obviously, promotion from within is a benefit when leadership is forced by circumstance to change its scope, as when a Div or Team leader may need to step into a situation due to an IWI.
Naturally, before going off the deep end with tiers, we need to remember that every life is equal in value to every other, even when there is an additive value of how many lives are involved in a particular triage decision.
Maybe, with limited resources, you would evacuate an ICP first to ensure continuity and coherence of the overall fight, and not put strike teams or under-equipped and under-trained support crews in jeopardy needlessly, but that doesn’t mean you would send the whole force into a death trap because an IC decided to run into it by their lonesome.