OES Region 3 Type 1 Strike Team reassigned to the Tamarack from the Beckworth.
anyone know the Comm’s Plan and location of ICP?
Is it still in monitor status?
No it’s not.
wildland_jake ICP is going to be at the Douglas County High School
It is within the boundary of the Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest which is a Nevada based agency. The Sierra Front Fire group covers the eats side of the Sierra’s in that area.
Funny how that is explained every time there is a fire in HTF and folks still don’t believe it. People aren’t here to deceive you and it is just the way it is. East side of the Sierras from south of Tahoe to about Ridgecrest is HTF, whether CA or NV is Region 4, my friends. It’s just the way it is.
You kinda forgot the Inyo NF
I thought the INF was Region 5.
It is R5 but covers much of what you just described, All of the Eastern Sierra down to Ridgecrest
And to add further confusion, lets remember the Inyo has some Nevada area, just to make it completely confusing
The HTF has Direct Protection from just s/o Doyle, CA to approximately a little south of Bridgeport, CA. Everything south of that belongs to INF or CDD, all the way to Ridgecrest.
Oh yeah I forgot about the northern end and I meant Bridgeport. I stand corrected!
I have to disagree with the NV designation. This is a California incident that is managed by the Great Basin GACC. It is not a Nevada incident. The correct designator should be CA-HTF-Tamarack. The Great Basin manages fires in several states and they don’t list them all as NV. Additionally, listing it as a NV incident disrupts good situational awareness as many people don’t follow incidents in the state of Nevada.
The official destination is NV-HTF-030419
All your DPA questions are answered here
CA-HTF is not a valid unit identifier:
The fire is in California, but it is a GBCC incident. When it shows up in IQCS or anything connected to IRWIN, the unit ID will be NV-HTF.
OVD is in there too, mixed in with both INF and HTF. And don’t forget the SRA that is BLM OVD DPA where the first in engine is an NV-HTF resource stationed in CA.
Again Folks, this comes up every year with this area. The fire is physically inside CA but HTF is the UOP. On this site whomever is the UOP is the GACC the fire gets put into. It really shouldn’t bother everybody so much. The fire will remain in Nevada or Great Basin. It was also stated above, some of the INF goes into Nevada. It’s just the way it is.
Real simple folks. Learn the administrative boundaries, or you won’t be getting your paycheck when you write down CA-HTF-030419 on your paperwork.
Nobody on the Nevada side of the forum cried when we stole their thunder sending California State Birds practically to Black Rock Desert a few weeks ago, and talked about it on the CA side of the forum.