This glossary is copied and pasted from the old site. I didn’t compile it, I just copied and pasted it for the convenience of users here. To find specific terms without having to scroll through the whole list, use Ctrl-F on PC and Cmd-F on Mac. Due to the length of the glossary, this will be broken up into 5 posts
Dedicated to the persistence of those who seek to understand. Remember, even if you don’t know all the acronyms that fire people may use, Abercrombie said on 7/14/98, “This page is and will remain committed to those who leave the paved roads and highways to attack wildland fires at their source. And, of course, to all those committed individuals who support them.”
A note from Tiny the R-6 Fire-Pup in 2000: Greetings all, the acronyms below are by NO means a complete list of the acronyms related to fire, some are also miscellaneous acronyms used to shorten speech, or briefly convey thoughts, and there are a few computer based. If you have additional acronyms you think should be added, reply below and I’ll update this post so people don’t have to scroll through a long conversation to see anything that’s been added over time.
Fire Acronyms & Abbreviations
10 Standards: The 10 Standard Fire Fighting Orders
18 Watch Outs: The 18 Watchout Situations
5100-209: Incident Status Summary covering the previous 24 hour period of large escaped fire, contains incident name, location, area involved, costs, containment, control, weather, resources, acres, etc.
AC: Area Command, see ACT and UAC.
ACE: Aviation Conference in Education
ACT: Area Command Team, typically assigned to regions experiencing high numbers of simultaneous fires, not necessarily being in the same complex.
AD: Assistant Director. Also, Administrative Deployment
AD#: Administratively Determined, a category of temporary employment on a fire. The number denotes the level of pay. A person hired and compensated under the Pay Plan for Emergency Workers. (casual or emergency)
ADA: Americans with Disabilities Act
ADF: Automatic Direction Finder; An aircraft radio navigational receiver operating in the low frequency bands.
ADFA: The AD Firefighter Association, a non-profit organization that represents all AD EFF Firefighters and AD EFF Crews (AD 1 through 5) concerning issues of pay, training, liability, etc.
ADFF: Aerial Delivered Firefighter Study
ADFMO: Assistant District Fire Management Officer
AED: Automated External Defibrillator
AEU: Almador-El Dorado Unit of CAL FIRE.
AFB: Air Force Base
AFEO: Assistant Fire Equipment Operator (on an engine) also known as an assistant engineer
AFF: Automated Flight Following
AFGE: American Federation of Government Employees (AFL-CIO), firefighter union
AFMO: Assistant Fire Management Officer
AG: Abbreviation for “Arroyo Grande” the helicopter/helirappeller base on the Los Padres NF in CA.
AGL: Above Ground Level. Any fixed wing aircraft certified by the FAA as being capable of transport and delivery of fire suppressant solutions.
AHIMT: All-Hazard Incident Management Team
AID: Aerial Ignition Device: Inclusive term applied to equipment designed to ignite wildland fuels from an aircraft.Includes: Delayed Aerial Ignition Devices ; Helitorch ; Ping-Pong Ball System ; Plastic Sphere Dispenser
AIMS: Aviation Information Management System, a CDF computer program used to track tanker air time, retardant loads, pilot time, and costs
AIRIS: Aerial Infrared Imaging System used by CDF for flying and imaging fireline and hotspots.
AirNet: Aircraft Network: Applies to radio frequencies primarily used for air operations.
A/L: Annual Leave, personal time off accrued in amounts each pay period depending on length of service
ALDS: Automatic Lightning Detection System: An electronic system that detects cloud-to-ground lightning strikes by their electrical discharges and plots their locations.
ALS: Advanced Life Support means paramedics or possibly EMT-Intermediates. ALS care providers can do everything EMTs do as well as start IVs, administer drugs, intubate, read an electrocardiogram (heart monitor), and defibrillate. Most crews have one or two EMT qualified members, but paramedics can be scarce, and without their respective toolkits, they can only do the basics. See also BLS.
AM: As in AM and FM, types of radio broadcasts; also as in AM and PM, morning and evening.
AMIS: Aviation Mishap Information System including SafeComs procedure (See Links Page)
AMR: Appropriate Management Response for fire mgmt flexibility. FS National strategy beginning in 2007; for example whether a fire or part of a fire should have a perimeter control strategy or a suppression strategy or a wildland fire use strategy, etc.; NPS already has AMR.
ANF: Angeles National Forest unit identifier
AOP: Annual Operating Plan (for Fire Weather) A procedural guide which describes fire meteorological services provided within the Geographic Area of responsibility, including the NIFC. The guide is based on the National Interagency Agreement and applicable Geographic Area Memorandum of Agreement.
APA: Accident Prevention Analysis. An accident investigation tool that promotes a learning culture; useful in promoting more widespread organizational Lessons Learned that is based on a storytelling approach using an accident narrative; to create the narrative, witnesses are interviewed by experts; their information is confidential unless it becomes clear there was “reckless and willful disregard for human safety”; the APA identifies causal latent flaws within the organization and usually results in recommendations for the agency to correct them to become a safer organization (HRO). Example: the APA of the Little Venus Incident or the Balls Canyon Incident. From AAR to SAI Hierarchy of Analysis/Investigation for a Learning Organization: AAR –> FLA –>APA–> SAI Contrast FLA and SAI (Serious Accident Investigation, an administrative review with witness statements and individual consequences, potentially including policy outcomes.)
APAT: Accident Prevention Analysis Team (has a team leader like the SAIT)
APCD: Air Pollution Control District, exists at the county or district level
APT: Administrative Payment Team: A team that supports incident agencies by processing payments for resources. Resources may include emergency equipment, casuals, local vendors for supplies, etc.
APHIS: Animal-Plant-Health Inspection Service. Division of Department of Agriculture.
AQRB: Air Quality Review Board
AR: Adjective Rating, a public info component of the NFDRS specific to fire danger: low, moderate, high, very high, extreme.
ARB: Air Resources Board, exists at the state level, for example see CARB
AREP: Agency Representative
ARFF: Aircraft Rescue Fire Fighting
ARTCC: Air Route Traffic Control Centers
ASA: Air Stagnation Advisory
ASAP: Automated Staffing Application Program of the FS fire hireFS Jobs
ASCADS: A BLM-administered, interagency system used as the interagency method of retrieving data from GOES satellites and forwarding to WIMS. It is used for metadata storage and maintenance documentation, and it produces a data watchdog.
ASC: Albuquerque Service Center; FS Finance was stovepiped and moved to Albuquerque at the cost of $400M, which was paid for with congressionally allocated fire funds (2005, 2006)
ASFR: Assistant state forest ranger, CDF. Senior official in the county was the Ranger, then Associate Ranger, then Assistant Ranger. Later changed to Ranger IV down to Ranger I and currently Unit Chief, Deputy Chief, Assistant Chief and Battalion Chief.
ASM: Aerial Supervision Module, light twin-engine airplane that combines the lead plane function and tactical supervision (pilot and air tactical group supervisor (ATGS), 2 people).
ARA: Aircraft Rental Agreement
ARPA: Archaeological Resources Protection Act of 1979; example of training:ARPA – Crime Scene Investigation
A/T: Air Tanker
ATA: Actual time of arrival: Term used in flight planning/following to document time of arrival at a point. (Also used to communicate arrival time of other resources.)
ATD: Actual time of departure: Term used in flight planning/following to document time of departure from a point. (Also used to communicate departure time of other resources.)
ATE: Actual time en route: Term used in flight planning/following to document actual time spent flying (or driving) between points.
ATGS: Air Tactical Group Supervisor – the Air Attack Officer in the air who’s directing the lead planes, tankers, and helicopters to do what the ground crews need.
ATIM: Aircraft Timekeeper
ATMU: Atmospheric Theodolite Meteorological Unit
ATP: Air Tactical Pilot
ATV: All terrain vehicle: Any motorized vehicle designed for or capable of cross-country travel on or immediately over land, water, sand, snow, ice, marsh, swampland, or other terrain. Off-Road Vehicle
AUAUS: Australia
AVUE: a site where you can apply digitally for some fire jobs.
AWS: Automatic Weather Station: A non-GOES telemetered weather station that provides hourly observations to a local database
AWOL: Absent without leave.
BAER: Burned Area Emergency Rehabilitation
BC: Battalion Chief
BD: Brush Disposal, funding from legacy funds for the Forest Service
BDF: San Bernardino National Forest unit identifier
BDU: Battle Dress Utility. It is a specific style “cut” of the current nomex pants. Patterned after the Vietnam military pants where the user has a greater mobility in hiking and can carry a variety of gear in the over-sized pockets.
BDU: San Bernardino Unit of CAL FIRE.
BEU: San Benito-Monterey Unit of CAL FIRE
BGO: Blinding Glimpse of the Obvious, describes the feeling many novices get when taking Doug Campbell’s Fire Signature Prediction method.
BI: Burn Index, predicted fire behavior measured using current and past weather data, heavily influenced by wind speed, and a term of the NFDRS.
BIA: Bureau of Indian Affairs, Department of Interior.
BIFC: Boise Interagency Fire Center, now called National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC)
BIFZ: Burns Interagency Fire Zone
BK: Bendix-King, a radio manufacturer.
BLEVE: Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion (eg, propane tank explosion): 1) The failure of a closed container as a result of overpressurization caused by an external heat source. 2) A major failure of a closed liquid container into two or more pieces when the temperature of the liquid is well above its boiling point at normal atmospheric pressure.
BLM: Bureau of Land Management, Department of Interior,BLM Fire and Aviation
BLS: Basic Life Support. Care provided by EMTs who can only perform minimally and non-invasive procedures such as bandaging, splinting, basic and intermediate airway management, oxygen and narcan administration, CPR and defibrillation.
BME: Boise Mobile Equipment, designs, markets, and manufactures engines and other fire apparatus.
BoD: R5 FAM Board of Directors (FMOs of the 18 national forests in CA)
BOHICA: Bend Over Here It Comes Again, a military acronym.
BOI: Boise International Airport
BRP: Blue Ribbon Panel like a large After Action Review with recommendations, especially referring to the BRP on the aging C130 and PB4Y firefighting aircraft in 2003; and the BRP following the 2003 SoCal Firestorm.
BTU: Butte Unit of CAL FIRE. Also British Thermal Unit, Amount of heat required to raise 1 pound of water 1 degree Fahrenheit (from 59.50 to 60.50 F), measured at standard atmospheric pressure.
BTW: By the way
BUD/S: Basic Underwater Demolition/ Seal has a good fitness program, seeNavy Seal.Workouts
BUI: Buildup Index: A relative measure of the cumulative effect of daily drying factors and precipitation on fuels with a ten-day time lag.
Burning period: That part of each 24-hour period when fires spread most rapidly; typically from 10:00 AM to sundown.
CIIMT: California Interagency Incident Management Team.
CAD: Computer Aided Dispatch. May refer specifically to CHP’s CAD (
CAFS: Compressed Air Foam Systems (allows firefighters to “foam and go” rather than sticking around to protect a home), consists of an air compressor (or air source), a water pump, and foam solution.
CAIRS: California All Incident Reporting System
CANSAC: California Smoke and Air Consortium, demonstrating burn days
CAL DOG: California Dozer Operator Group
CAL EMA: California Emergency Management Agency (former name of the state’s Office of Emergency Services)
CAL FIRE: California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, “red engines”. (Formerly CDF)
CAL MAC: California Multi-Agency Command; the information coordination center established in Sacramento. Tasked to gather timely information from regions, cooperating agencies, the media the director, interested govt leaders and the public.
CARB: California Air Resources Board.
CBO: Congressional Budget Office. CBO provides oversight and offers suggestions on the budget for the legislative branch, primarily Congress. Thus, OMB acting as an agent of the President sets the budget direction that the executive branch adheres to. CBO tries to fact check those figures and tries to see if those figures make sense when they advise Congress on budget decisions.
CDCR: California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation; provide CalFire inmate fire crews; inmate crews annually spend three million hours fighting fires, saving taxpayers $80 million a year.
CDF: California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, “red engines”.
CD: Slang for Consent Decree.
CDFF: California Department of Forestry Firefighters –the CDF Union (affiliated with CPF and IAFF)
CDL: Commercial Driver’s License — required for certain emergency vehicles. Also California Driver’s License.
CDFLWC: California Department of Forestry-Local Watershed Contract; for example, within Orange County are lands within the City of Anaheim for which the City contracts directly with CDF to provide local watershed fire response within Anaheim’s “Local Responsibility Area”.
CEQ: President’s Council on Environmental Quality
CF: Cluster F***, a descriptive military term saved to describe an extreme screw up done to a number of people
CFA: Country Fire Authority of Victoria Australia
CFAA: California Fire Assistance Agreement, a mutual aid agreement, formerly known as the Five Party Agreement or the Four Party Agreement; an agreement for wildland fire suppression entered into by the State of California: OES and CalFire; and the federal: FS, BLM, NPS, FWS. ICS and NIMS policy must be met.
CFC: California Fuels Committee
CFIT: “controlled flight into terrain,” when pilots flying in smoke, thick clouds or darkness lose their bearing and fly the aircraft into the ground or mountain.
CFP: Cooperative Fire Protection: A staff unit within the branch of State and Private Forestry or Aviation and Fire Management in the National Forest System, USDA Forest Service, that coordinates cooperative fire activities.
CFPA: Cooperative Fire Protection Agreement
CFR: Code of Federal Regulations.
CFSI: Congressional Fire Services Institute
CFT: Reference an individual forest’s Continuity of Operations Plan, 2012 (COOP):Critical Function Team, a pre-selected team which acts as liaison between the CRT and critical function units.
CFU: Community Fire Units in Australia. A group of volunteer local residents trained to protect their own home from bush fires while they await arrival of the NSWFB. Usually established in areas of urban/bushland interface.
CH/HR: Chains per hour; a chain is 66 feet.
CHS: Comprehensive Health Service, a company that arranges the medical screening for the WCT. Suspended in early March ’09.
CHS: Short for “chains” a measure of distance on a fire line. Equals 66 feet.
CIC: Aviation abbreviation for Chico Air Field, Chico CA.
CICCS: California Incident Command Qualification System.
CISD: Critical Incident Stress Debriefing following highly stressful events such as deaths, accidents, and near misses, firefighters participate in counseling with the purpose of receiving emotional and psychological support.
CN: Cyanide, see also Hydrogen Cyanide HCNa HAZMAT
CNF: Cleveland National Forest unit identifier.
CNR: California Northern Region, in contrast with CSR – California Southern Region. Cal Fire breaks California into two parts of the state for controlling resources.
CO: Carbon Monoxide (colorless, odorless, poisonous HAZMAT gas produced by incomplete fuel combustion.) or Colorado (the state) or Contracting Officer (person that arranges and monitors contracts)
CO2: Carbon Dioxide: colorless, odorless, nonpoisonous gas, which results from fuel combustion and is normally a part of the ambient air.
COLA: Cost of Living Allowance used to equalize salaries based on cost of living in different geographic areas
COOP: Cooperative Fire Assistance – CA – Cooperative Fire Program assistance to state, local govt and communities
COR: Contracting Officers Representative
COS: Close of Season, as in rolling up the hose, sharpening the hand tools, winterizing the pumps; alternatively, reference an individual forest’s Continuity of Operations Plan, 2012 (COOP):Critical Operations Staff, forest staff responsible for critical operations.
CPA: An insurance agency providing medical benefits for temporary employees.
CPF: California Professional Firefighters, an organization
CPR: Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
CPS: Campbell Prediction System, information found at
CTL: Cut To Length, a kind of timber harvester
CRM: Crew Resource Management. Developed in the 70’s by the airline industry to combat a growing number of ‘pilot error’ crashes. The basic principle of CRM is that everyone from the top to the bottom has a voice in safety.
CRS: Can’t Remember Syndrome
CRT: Reference an individual forest’s Continuity of Operations Plan, 2012 (COOP):Critical Response Team, the pre-selected team who directs the forests response to an unforeseen emergency.
CSEA: California State Employees Association. Many CDF employees are members of this union.
CSR: California Southern Region, in contrast with CNR – California Northern RegionCal Fire breaks California into two parts of the state for controlling resources. Also sometimes Customer Service Reps
CSRS: Civil Service Retirement System
CTR: Crew Time Report, filled out daily and submitted to the Time Unit on large fires
CWCG: California Wildfire Coordination Group
CWN: Call When Needed, refers to aircraft that have a call when needed contract with an agency, in contrast to Exclusive Use.
CWPP: Community Wildfire Protection Plan: developed in the collaborative framework established by the Wildland Fire Leadership Council and agreed to by state, tribal, and local government, local fire department, other stakeholders and federal land mgmt agencies managing land in the vicinity of the planning area. Identifies and prioritizes areas for hazardous fuel reduction treatments. Recommends the types and methods of treatment on Fed and non-Fed land that will protect at-risk communities and essential infrastructure. Recommends measures to reduce structural ignitability throughout the community. May address issues such as wildfire response, hazard mitigation, community preparedness, or structure protection.
CYA: Slang for “see ya” or “cover your a**”, or California Youth Authority, depending on context.
CZU: San Mateo-Santa Cruz unit of CAL FIRE.
DA: Departure from Average Greenness: An NDVI-derived image of vegetation greenness compared to its average greenness for the current week of the year.
DAID: Delayed Aerial Ignition Device
DAPS: Dog and Pony Show
DASHO: Designated Agency Safety and Health Official
DC: Division Chief
DCAPE: Downdraft Convective Available Potential Energy relating to released moisture in buildup and collapse of columns. The 1500 acre Dude Fire in heavy dry Ponderosa Pine fuels would have released on the order of 5 million kilograms of water from combustion into the plume in an otherwise dry air mass from about 6:00 a.m. up to the downburst at about 2:00 p.m.
DFMO: District Fire Management Officer
D###: Dispatch related courses. See course information below.
DBH: Diameter at Breast Height (a tree’s)
DEMO: Demonstration, wherein a job position is being announced and open to all citizens, not just the same agency or current federal employees (which would be Merit or some other category).
DFMO: Duty Fire Management Officer or District Fire Management Officer, depending on context.
DHS: Department of Homeland Security
DISE: Distributed Incident Simulation Exercise: on-line mission rehearsal event providing an individual or team with an experiential learning environment utilizing the National Interagency Incident Management System to “game” a computer generated incident from multiple training locations. (Examples: CBT/WBT Forest Service Wildland Fire Simulation Scenario Editor)
DIVS: Division Supervisor
DNR: Department of Natural Resources, often prefaced by a State name.
DNS: Domain Name System, the method used to convert Internet names to their corresponding Internet numbers
DOA: Department of Agriculture, parent of the USFS; also Delegation of Authority or Dead on Arrival
DOB: Depth of Burn: reduction in forest floor thickness due to fire
DOC: Department of Commerce; Department Operations Center (NIMS)
DOD: Department of Defense
DOE: Department of Energy
DOF: Department of Forestry, often referred to with state abbreviation as a prefix, e.g., FLDOF, Florida Department of Forestry
DOGs: California Dozer Operators Group(DOGs), this group has been around for many years. It is made up of paid professional Fire Dozer Operators and professional contractors who fight fire.
DOI: Department of Interior, parent of the BIA, BLM, NPS, FWS
DOL: Department of Lands
DPA: Direct Fire Protection Area. That area for which a particular fire protection organization has the primary responsibility for attacking an uncontrolled fire and for directing the suppression action.FRA-Federal Responsibility Area: National Forest Land, National Park Lands, BLM Public Lands, National Wildlife refuges, Military Reservations, etc.SRA-State Responsibility Area: Watershed lands designated by the State legislature. These include State Parks but more often are private lands that have watershed characteristics. These lands are always unincorporated, outside of City jurisdictions.LRA-Local Responsibility Area: These lands are private lands outside of watershed areas designated by the state, or lands incorporated into cities.
DOT: Department of Transportation
DP#: Drop point on a fire. Drop points are numbered and mark locations on a fire where people meet, equipment is exchanged, and resources may be stationed.
DSS: Decision Support System for cost containment of large fires
DW: Doublewide, a trailer
DZ: Drop Zone: Target area for airtankers, helitankers, cargo dropping.